Mike Barker provided a couple of well-crafted crawfish imitations.
Patrick L. Sullivan
Mike Barker provided a couple of well-crafted crawfish imitations.
Saturday, June 15 was clear and blessedly cool, ahead of what the weather ninnies assured me is a massive unprecedented disastrous heat wave.
I had one main item on the agenda, the angler’s flea market in Riverton.
So I figured I would prowl Sandy Brook beforehand.
Sandy Brook in Colebrook is a secondary tributary of the West Branch of the Farmington. I know this because I am a highly trained observer, and because I found a United States Geological Survey map that says so.
I am happy to report that getting the map from the USGS website was simple. Go to usgs.gov and look for The National Map, which is exactly what it says it is.
The state stocks Sandy Brook, twice this spring. With what exactly I do not know.
I’ve fooled around in this stream a couple times before, with minimal results. But I always came at it moving upstream, off Route 8.
This time, coming downstream on Sandy Brook Road (another triumph of clarity in labeling) I saw the stream and a couple of pull-offs with DEEP signs regarding creel limits and so on.
So I pulled off and suited up.
Water temperature at 8 a.m. was 63 in a shallow spot next to the bank. Not ideal, perhaps, but not terrible either.
I noticed the stream running roughly north-south, was almost completely shaded over at that hour, with the sun just starting to get through the canopy from the east.
This is good. Streams that have an east-west flow get the full brunt of the sun during the course of the day. In the summer, this means warmer water.
The first thing I noticed was this bucolic, babbling brook is misnamed. It should be called “Super Slippery Brook.” It’s a lot of rock shelf and getting around is like the proverbial tap-dancing on ball bearings dipped in motor oil. Some actual sand would have been nice.
Next time I will wear felt soled boots with studs.
Mike Barker provided a couple of well-crafted crawfish imitations.Patrick L. Sullivan
I deployed an eight-foot nine-inch four weight rod. There was plenty of room for casting and the four weight allowed for turning over a dry-dropper rig while not making a huge splash.
The rig was a Chubby Chernobyl on top and a size 16 Zug Bug, tied on a jig hook and with a heavy tungsten beadhead, on what started as two feet of 4X fluoro tippet tied to the hook of the Chubby with an improved clinch knot. (And don’t ask what an unimproved clinch knot is because I have no idea.)
This produced an immediate hangup and I lost the Zug. So I shortened the dropper to about 14 inches and put on another Zug.
This produced two immediate hookups of brook trout in the eight-to-10-inch range.
So far, so good.
I clambered downstream, because it looked slightly less slippery than upstream.
It wasn’t.
I found one cleft running into a deep, wide slot that just had to have fish in it. I worked it hard for 30 minutes, abandoning the dry-dropper and chucking the heavy artillery into the depths: Big Bread and Butter nymph, a Walt’s Worm, which has more lead than a .22 short, and Joe’s Weenie.
Bupkis. Infuriating.
Then I went back to the Chubby-Zug Bug rig and proceeded to catch a dozen more fish, including some browns and one lone rainbow.
I have no idea of the proportion of wild to stocked here. I can’t believe the state stocks eight-inch brookies, but maybe there’s some deep fish reason I don’t comprehend.
Around 11 a.m. I packed it in and went down to the flea market, which was in the little public space across the street from the post office.
A modest number of vendors were there, including Harold MacMillan who still runs Housatonic River Outfitters in Cornwall, albeit without the brick-and-mortar shop.
We exchanged fishing gossip, and he sold me a grab bag of bass poppers for an eminently reasonable 10 bucks.
Most of the vendors were selling conventional gear, which doesn’t interest me, but I did spot Mike Barker of Ansonia.
Barker is a garage door installer in real life, and ties flies as a side gig. He said it “calms the nerves” after a busy week driving all over the state installing garage doors.
He’s been tying and selling for about three years.
He had a couple of poppers the approximate size of Oklahoma, which he said were for getting the attention of big fish. Like the star of “Jaws.”
I picked up a couple of beautifully crafted crawfish imitations. I generally make do with a Wooly Bugger for this, but I like to encourage the up-and-comers.
So the Research & Development ratio was nice and balanced. I established that Sandy Brook is not very sandy but has a lot of hungry fish in it, and it probably stays cool enough to be plausible most of the time.
I found a cost-effective way to replenish the bass bug box.
And I contributed in a small way to a young fly tier’s craft.
Olivia Cetti, floral stylist and paper flower artist at The Green Vase taught a potted Persian fritillaria plant workshop at Milton Market in Litchfield.
On Saturday March 22, Milton Market in Cobble Court, Litchfield welcomed Livia Cetti of The Green Vase back for the eighthpaper flower workshop with her. Guests were invited to create a potted Persian fritillaria plant, and to be a part of the joyous community of The Green Vase workshops.
Milton Market is in a former 18th century blacksmith shop tucked into Cobble Court in Litchfield. Owner Martha Fish opened her “luxury general store,” in 2019. Both had careers in fashion as executives at Calvin Klein.
Jennifer Almquist
Livia Cetti of The Green Vase has forged a career based on beauty. A graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, Cetti built on her Santa Barbara childhood love of flowers and became a floral stylist. After years working with Martha Stewart, she became a contributing editor at “Martha Stewart Weddings” and style director at “Brides” magazine. She began her own floral business in 2005, The Green Vase. A client asked if she could make some paper hibiscus as a Caribbean wedding cake topper. Thus, was born a creative blossoming using paper and scissors, a sort of aesthetic alchemy or magical transformation of simple materials into flowers that rival the beauty of the original.
The paper flower workshop at the Milton Market was fun, relaxed, filled with laughter, and the guests created stunning blossoms during the four-hour session. A giant sweep of forsythia blossoms set on a massive central table made a joyous statement that Spring had arrived. Participants enjoyed champagne and snacks. Bobby Graham of Salisbury, who recently left a career at Condé Nast, is about to open a shop (with his husband) in Sharon called Dugazon. He recalled the first Cetti workshop he attended at Milton Market as “kind of wild” with twelve people snipping and folding.
Olivia CettiPhoto by Jennifer Almquist
It is a pleasure to watch Cetti’s hands work with skill and grace, informed by the thousands of paper flowers she makes each year. Her distinctive floral style shows up in the pages of “The World of Interiors,” “House & Garden UK,” and graced eight covers of “Martha Stewart Weddings.” Her website states, “All paper flowers are entirely hand-crafted by Livia and her small staff of talented artisans in the Bronx, NY. Each piece is meant to be an impressionistic gesture capturing the spirit of the flower, and just like the real thing, no two will ever be exactly alike.”
Check out Milton Market and The Green Vase on Instagram: @miltonmarketct and @thegreenvase
A scene from "Godmonster of Indian Flats."
It’s been a long, boring winter. Thank goodness for the proliferation of free-with-ads streaming services that specialize in films so majestic and unforgettable that nobody bothered to renew the copyright.
Zombie Nightmare (1987): From the oeuvre of Canadian bodybuilder and hair metal musician Jon Mikl Thor, this tale of small town bigotry, casual misogyny and voodoo zombies lacks the critical component that makes or breaks the exploitation flick: gratuitous nekkidity. Not that any sentient being would want to see this cast, which includes Adam West, nekkid. But it’s the principle of the thing. You can do much better with…
Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare (also 1987): Thor’s showcase flick, starring his hair, his pecs, and his unconventional taste in underwear. Nekkidity abounds. In fact nekkidity drives the plot. With little foam rubber demons, one large economy-sized foam rubber demon, a foam rubber remake of the famous “busting out” scene in “Alien,” and an absolutely ear-shredding soundtrack by Thor and his band, the Tritonz.
Velvet Smooth (1976) is a poor man’s “Foxy Brown” and also the greatest (and only) film in the oeuvre of Emerson Boozer, the poor man’s Rosey Grier. Velvet Smooth (Johnnie Hill) is a private detective and when local kingpin King Lathrop starts having trouble with goons muscling in on his highly lucrative action (protection money from a dry cleaner, a shoeshine guy and a newsie), Velvet Smooth gets the call. Unconvincing kung fu, an illegal casino, cut-rate Diana Ross and the Supremes, and subtle visual commentary on why you don’t want to combine a zebra-striped couch with blonde wood paneling if you are a self-respecting kingpin.
The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood (1980): The last of three Happy Hooker flicks, starring the immortal Martine Beswick as Xaveria Hollander, the Happy Hooker. Plus Adam West, Phil SIlvers, Chris Lemmon and Richard Deacon. It’s like a slightly raunchy episode of “The Love Boat,” minus the boat. Enough gratuitous nekkidity to advance the plot, which mercifully does not get in the way of the story. As dour Hollywood melodramas go, it’s no “Day of the Locust” or “What Makes Sammy Run,” but there are glimmers of actual human intelligence at work in a scene where the Happy Hooker takes on a snarky TV gossip show host.
In short, it’s almost not bad enough to make the S&A cut. Almost.
Of interest to the ovine community is the utterly baffling “Godmonster of Indian Flats” (1973). Sort of a Western, kinda sci-fi, and loaded with sheep, the movie lurches from setting to setting so abruptly the viewer may lose faith in the space-time continuum. But fear not, there is a giant mutant sheep to the rescue. Also some banjo players and a glad-hander named Elbow Johnson, who features early and then disappears completely. No nekkidity, which is a good thing. One of the bad guys looks a bit like Larry Bird but with more chin. Transfer station fans will enjoy this flick for the lengthy scenes featuring waste disposal. My goodness, how far we’ve come in that department. Baa.
Humble Acknowledgment Department: The Bad Cinema desk hereby admits to stealing the “plot gets in the way of the story” joke from Joe Bob Briggs, which isn’t even his real name. We also announce our plans to build a giant statue of Joe Bob Briggs in a spot where everyone can see it but nobody can do anything about it.
Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is seeking staff for the 2025 season. Want to work in a beautiful setting with a great team? Full and Part-Time Employment available. Positions Available; Bartenders, Dishwashers, Line Cooks, Waitstaff. Bartender position starts end of March; Dishwasher, Line Cook and Waitstaff positions available the end of April. Please email: brandon@wyantenuck.org or call 413-528-0350.
Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is a private club. Want to join our team? Full Time position available. Position Available; Head Waitstaff Position available the end of April. Please email: brandon@wyantenuck.org or call 413-528-0350.
Hector Pacay Service: House Remodeling, Landscaping, Lawn mowing, Garden mulch, Painting, Gutters, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Chipping, Tree work, Brush removal, Fence, Patio, Carpenter/decks, Masonry. Spring and Fall Cleanup. Commercial & Residential. Fully insured. 845-636-3212.
Need any home or yard improvements?: We have a solution! Gallagher Home Solutions is taking on new clients for 2025! We take pride in our work and look forward to working with you. Specialize in all Home Improvements & Maintenance, Property Management & Drainage. 475-434-0686. dagalla911@gmail.com.
MID CENTURY FURNITURE WANTED:1950’s-1970’s designer modern furniture and lighting. Danish, French, Italian and American design. Eames, Knoll, Herman Miller, Nakashima, Wegner, Noguchi Etc. Buying Vintage Porsche cars any condition. Open Air Modern 718.383.6465 info@openairmodern.com.
Hay For Sale: Round Bales. First Cutting covered hay, round bales. First cut hay covered with plastic. $25.00 for bale loaded. 860-671-0499.
Help wanted: Small Angus Farm seeks reliable help for cattle and horses. Duties include feeding, fence repair, machine repair. Will train the right person. 860-671-0499.
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Equal Housing Opportunity. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1966 revised March 12, 1989 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color religion, sex, handicap or familial status or national origin or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. All residential property advertised in the State of Connecticut General Statutes 46a-64c which prohibit the making, printing or publishing or causing to be made, printed or published any notice, statement or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, age, lawful source of income, familial status, physical or mental disability or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
MT RIGA Two Bedroom LAKEFRONT: Log cabin. Private beach, canoes and kayaks. $1350/Week. 585-355-5245.
Sharon Rentals: 1b/1b home on a private lake. Avail 4/1/25. Yearly. $2750/Furnished, weekly housekeeping, garbage, water, ground maint. included. utilities addtl. 860-309-4482.
Legal Notice
Amenia Drugs NY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 02/12/2025. Office: Dutchess County. Hema Patel, designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Hema Patel at 5094 Route 22 #48, Amenia, NY, US, 12501. Purpose: Retail Pharmacy.
Legal Notice
Notice of formation of Faithwell Farms And Wellbeing Center, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with the SSNY on 12/26/24. Office in Dutchess County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, PO Box 86, LaGrangeville, NY 12540. Purpose: Any lawful purpose
Notice is hereby given that Millbrook Continental Corp, located at 18 Alden Pl, Millbrook, NY 12545, is applying for a Liquor License with the New York State Liquor Authority to sell beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption.
Any objections should be directed to the New York State Liquor Authority at 80 South Swan Street, Albany, NY 12210.
Applicant: Millbrook Continental Corp
Address: 18 Alden Pl, Millbrook, NY 12545
NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids for Town of Amenia TOWN HALL LED MESSAGE SIGN will be received until 2:00 PM on April 7, 2025 at the Town Clerk’s Office, Town of Amenia, Amenia Town Hall, 4988 Route 22, Amenia, NY 12501 opened and read at the Amenia Town Hall, 4988 Route 22 on April 8, 2023 at 2:00 PM.
Detailed specifications may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours, by calling (845) 373-8860 Ext. 125 or by emailing townclerk@ameniany.gov. All bids must be accompanied by a notarized non collusive statement and corporate bidders must file a corporate resolution with a corporate seal.
All envelopes must be clearly marked “Town Hall LED Message Sign”.
The Amenia Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Dawn Marie Klingner
Amenia Town Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 105-11 of the Town of Amenia Subdivision Code, and Section 276 of the New York State Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Amenia, New York, on April 9, 2025, at 7:00 PM.
Applicants Michael Levin and Laurence De Segonzac-Levin (the “Applicants”) request the minor subdivision of a 62.896-acre parcel located at 189 Amenia Union Road, Tax Parcel # 132000-7266-in the Rural Agricultural (“RA”) Zoning District, previously amended by a lot line adjustment filed as Map # 12830 (the “Property” “). Minor subdivision of the Property, if approved, would create an 8.719-acre parcel (“Lot 1”) and a 53.177-acre parcel (“Lot 2”).
A copy of the application is on file in the Planning/Zoning Office, 2nd Floor for public viewing and inspection, Monday-Thursday, 9-3 P.M by appointment. Please call 845-373-8860 X 122 or email jwestfall@ameniany.gov for comments or questions.
Robert Boyles, Jr.
Planning Board
Town Of Amenia
Town of Pine Plains
County of Dutchess
State of New York
Notice to Bidders
Sale of Surplus Equipment
Please Take Notice that the Pine Plains Fire District Board of Commissioners, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on March 18, 2025, adopted the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Town Law §176, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Pine Plains Fire District does hereby declare the following item of equipment as surplus and no longer necessary for the purposes of the Pine Plains Fire District:
2004 E-450 Ambulance (55-72)
AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, to advertise such surplus equipment for sale and to be sold as surplus equipment, in its present condition, to the highest bidder following publication of Notice to Bidders Sale of Surplus Equipment.
Therefore, Please Take Notice that the Pine Plains Fire District will receive sealed bids for the purchase of the aforesaid surplus equipment at the Pine Plains Fire District Fire House, 7 Lake Road, Town of Pine Plains, New York, until 7:00 pm on April 15, 2025 at which time the bids will be opened and the aforesaid surplus equipment will be sold to the highest bidder. The surplus equipment may be inspected at Pine Plains Fire District Fire House, 7 Lake Road, Town of Pine Plains, New York, by appointment, by calling 518-488-2750.
The surplus equipment is being sold strictly “ “AS IS” with no warranties or representation on the part of the Pine Plains Fire District.
The Pine Plains Fire District Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids at its sole discretion and to re-advertise for the sale of the aforesaid surplus equipment.
The successful bidder shall be required to tender the said amount in full, by cash or immediately available funds upon the awarding of the successful bid. March 19, 2025.
Board of Fire Commissioners
Pine Plains Fire District
Heather Lamont,
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to NYS Town Law § 276 and Chapter 105 of the Town of Amenia Code Tower Hill 2014 LLC (the “Applicant”), the Planning Board of the Town of Amenia will hold a public hearing on the application by Tower Hill 2014 LLC (the “Applicant”) for preliminary plat approval of a minor, 3-lot subdivision of an existing +/- 165.42-acre parcel (the “Application”) located at 365-381 Tower Hill Road in the Town of Amenia that is designated Parcel Grid Identification # 7065-00-266271 (the “Project Site”). The Project Site is located in the Rural Agricultural zoning district and is also located in the Scenic Protection and Aquifer overlay districts.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Planning Board hold the public hearing on the Application on April 9, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. at Amenia Town Hall, 4988 Route 22, Amenia, New York 12501.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a copy of the Application is on file in the Amenia Town Clerk’s Office for public viewing and inspection during normal business hours. The Application can also be viewed and downloaded from the Town’s official website at www.ameniany.gov.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Planning Board will hear all persons interested in the Application at the public hearing noticed herein. All persons may appear at the hearing in person or by agent and may also submit written comments to the Planning Board at or prior to such hearing by emailing comments to Planning Board Secretary Judy Westfall at jwestfall@ameniany.gov.
Dated: March 12, 2025
Robert Boyles, Jr., Chairman
Town of Amenia
Planning Board