
Editorial Independence

The news judgements and coverage decisions of our editorial staff are made independently with neither advertisers nor donors playing a role in the overall editorial process. Neither have a right to review content before publication.

Our Donations Policy

LJMN Media, which publishes The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News, is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that solicits and accepts donations to help fund its operations. Your tax-deductible donations (thank you!) are now a critical revenue source, along with subscribers and advertisers. You can see a list of our donors in our Annual Reports.

Donors, however, have no role in the editorial process. The news judgements of our editorial staff are made independently and are not based on or influenced by donors.

In addition, we do not accept donations from political parties, elected officials, or candidates seeking public office. We publish the names of all donors in our Annual Reports (with the exception of those who request anonymity and have also given less than $5,000).

If you would like to donate or see the many ways you can make a donation (check, credit card, donor-advised fund, stocks or securities, and bequests, etc.), please go to: https://millertonnews.com/donate

And if you have any questions about making a donation or our donations policy, please email donations@lakevillejournal.com.


Editorial & Financial Transparency

We accept donations, grants, and sponsorships from individuals, organizations, foundations, and advertisers to help with our general operation, special projects, and coverage of particular topics that are of interest to our readers.

Subject to review by the Publisher, we accept grants from foundations and government programs for non-profits like LJMN Media. We make public all revenue sources, including donors who give $5,000 or more in a year, which you’ll find in our Annual Reports.

Our news judgments, however, are made independently. They are not based on or influenced by donors or any other revenue source and donors and advertisers do not have the right to assign, review, or edit content.



Our Readers’ Privacy


Conflict of Interest Policy

The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News adhere to a strict Conflict of Interest policy that applies to key employees, directors, financial advisors, and legal counsel.
