Local 4-H fair helps club members get ready for County Fair

Getting to know each other — and the sheep — at a sheep showmanship workshop station at the ‘A-Fair to Remember’ event at Wilcox Memorial park in Stanfordville on Sunday, June 2.

Gavin Marr

Local 4-H fair helps club members get ready for County Fair

STANFORDVILLE — Dutchess County 4-H held its ‘A-Fair to Remember’ event at Wilcox Memorial Park on Sunday, June 2.

Community members of all ages gathered to support 4-H club members who are preparing for the upcoming Dutchess County Fair, which is scheduled for Aug. 20 to 25.

Vendors representing the many clubs associated with the organization spread across the lawn. They stocked tables with arts and crafts, games and 4-H gear. A few chickens even got into the mix.

The park buzzed with excitement as children skipped from tent to tent.

Despite being a fundraiser, entry to the event was free. Food trucks lined the back of the parking lot and live music could be heard throughout the park.

Event organizer Emma Kron talked about the importance of the fundraiser.

“All of our kids exhibit at the fair, so we’re raising money to support them. But then we also provide tickets for immigrant families to come to the fair so they can experience agriculture,” she said. The organization is still accepting donations and sponsorships.

In previous years, 4-H has worked with Northeast Dutchess Immigrant Services to provide this opportunity. They have now started working with Wingdale and Webutuck schools, which include a significant immigration population, to continue this program.

The American Legion from Millerton donated and serve food to the 4-H kids throughout the day.

The Dutchess Land Conservancy held a booth in support of 4-H in addition to its event sponsorship. Representatives were available to answer questions about their many conservation efforts in the area.

“We’re here to support 4-H, which is our future farmers, future homeowners, and people who are going to care about the land,” said Julie Hart, Director of Education at the Dutchess Land Conservancy.

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