Pamela Osborne
If you’ve been thinking that you have a constitutional right to happiness, you would be wrong about that. All the Constitution says is that if you are alive and free (and that is apparently enough for many, or no one would be crossing our borders), you do also have a right to take a shot at finding happiness. The actual pursuit of that is up to you, though.
But how do you get there? On a less elevated platform than that provided by the founding fathers I read, years ago, an interview with Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. Her company, based on Avon and Tupperware models, was very successful. But to be happy, she offered,, you need three things: 1) someone to love; 2) work you enjoy; and 3) something to look forward to.
Like a lot of advice — to lose weight, for example, eat less and exercise, that’s one I’ve heard a few times — this is deceptively and falsely simple. It’s pretty hard, really, to be lucky enough to enjoy your work day in/day out. And given divorce rates, it seems that someone to love can be a bit scarce on the ground, too, and so this category may need to be expanded to include whatever else you might be able to love. The last condition — something pleasing on the horizon— is, perhaps the one most able to be made to happen. Vacations on the high end, looking out the window or a good night’s sleep on the low.
What Mary Kay failed to mention is how very difficult it is to have all three of these things working for you at the same time. It’s tough. So best not to think about that too much, but instead just close our eyes and focus on what might be possible. Small small, that’s the ticket.
Based on what makes some days better for me, and on what is realistic, here’s a suggestion for a low key approach to adding an attainable, achievable something to look forward to to your life. If there’s one thing I don’t look forward to, it’s having to face an evening of standing at the sink and the stove at the end of a long day. Fast food and take-out fortunes have been made by people who figured out how to capitalize on this, to the detriment of neighborhood bank accounts everywhere. Much better to plan ahead, bothering in advance to fix something that’s good and ready to eat at the end of the day, so that all that’s needed is a quick heating up. Look at it as one step taken on the road to a happier few moments as shadows lengthen at the end of the afternoon. Works for me. Well, along with a toast to those who are with us, and to those who are not.
This recipe can be put together from items you may already have on hand. You might want to give it a try, it’s simple and good.
This stew, though served hot, is light, and fine for this still between-seasons time of year.
And, happily, you will find it to be easy and economical. If you are feeling pinched these days, you can leave out the fish and add more beans. In that case, you might want to add fish stock cubes instead of the vegetable stock cubes specified, for a bit of extra flavor. You can, of course, use fresh fish instead of frozen, but that defeats the convenience of having a pantry-available meal. Regardless, and by the way, this is more than good enough to serve to a table of friends, if you choose to do that, and no one, including the cook, will feel hard done by. Or, if it’s just you or a few at the table, make a potful, dip out what you need for a meal, and heat it in the microwave for a few minutes. Keep the rest for an easy tomorrow, it keeps well.
8-10 servings
2 or 3 TB olive oil. A neutral oil is fine. I use Berio.
2 TB unsalted butter
2 sticks celery, halved lengthwise and very finely sliced, just a bit more than paper thin
Some celery leaves from the center of the bunch, rinsed and dried
4 medium shallots, peeled and quartered, OR 1 medium onion—red or yellow—roughly chopped
4 or 5 garlic cloves (small to medium), peeled and very finely sliced. And no, it won’t taste too garlicky: it isn’t smashed or pressed, which intensifies that.
1 1/2 tsp. fennel seeds
A bunch of parsley, washed and dried. You will use the stems for the stew, the leaves for garnish. You want about 3/4 cup finely chopped parsley leaves. Medium chop the stems, 1/4” to 1/3” long.
1/2 c. dry white wine. I used what remained of a bottle; it may have been a bit more than half a cup, and had been sitting in the fridge for several weeks.
2 28-oz.cans of peeled plum tomatoes. I use Cento, and you needn’t buy the more expensive San Marzanos. With my washed hands, I take the tomatoes out of the can one by one and put them in a bowl, having removed the stem end and any stringy bits hanging from it, and any overlooked pieces of skin. Check the remaining tomato liquid for random bits of skin, too, before adding it to the bowl. All of these are indigestible, basically, and removing them improves the end product. But if you don’t care about that, just dump in the can as is. The tomatoes will need to be broken up a bit as you stir, with a wooden or silicone spatula.
One 15.5-oz. can of small white beans, rinsed and drained; Roman, flageolet, navy. I buy Goya.
One 15.5-oz. can of larger white beans, rinsed and drained. Butter beans are good, cannellini would do, too. Again, Goya.
2 cubes of vegetable stock. Mince these into small pieces before adding, they’ll dissolve more quickly.
Two pounds of frozen fish, thawed, rinsed, and cut into largish pieces, as they will break apart when cooking. Use a flaky fish, not a meaty one. I used one package of cod, and one of bay scallops, both bought on sale, which were in my freezer. The scallops (and by the way, in the past bay scallops were considered a delicacy compared to sea scallops, and were much more expensive; the reverse is true now, go figure) were very good, but all cod would be fine, too. If you’re not using fish, rinse and drain another can of beans, add that, see if one additional can is enough. This is not a thick stew, it should be a somewhat thinner, soupyish one. Add another can if you think it might be a good idea. The beans will swell as they cook, and will thicken the broth a bit; so if you’re uncertain, be conservative. You can always add more beans later.
Lemon wedges to serve, with Maldon salt and freshly ground pepper, and hot pepper flakes or oil
Melt the oil and butter in a large pan (a six or seven-quart Dutch oven, for example) over low heat. Add the celery, shallots, fennel seeds, and chopped parsley stems, with a pinch of salt. Cook slowly, stirring frequently, until the shallots and celery are very soft, but not browned at all. When they are nearly soft, add the garlic slices, being careful not to let them burn, and cook to soften. Raise the heat to medium, add the wine and let it simmer for 3 or 4 minutes, and then add the tomatoes, beans, and chopped vegetable stock cubes, which will dissolve. Add a cup of water, if things look too thick. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for about half an hour, stirring periodically.
Add the fish pieces, nestled into the top of the stew. Reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot and let this cook for about ten minutes, no more, until the fish is opaque and flaking. If you are using bay scallops, add them later, cook only 3 to 4 minutes. Once the fish is cooked, you can stir it in.
This should be prepared several hours ahead, so that the beans have mellowed and the seeds have softened. If serving the same day, I leave the base on the stove, covered, and reheat it slowly at dinner time. In that case, don’t add the fish until the base is hot, shortly before you’re serving it. If you have leftovers, keep the casserole in the refrigerator, and dip out and reheat only what you will need at that time.
Wrap the chopped parsley and celery leaves in waxed paper, wrap that in a damp paper towel, and wrap that loosely in plastic wrap. This will keep for several days in the refrigerator, and should be sprinkled over the stew. Serve with lemon wedges, etc., as above, along with some good bread. If you aren’t serving this to a crowd, you will have some easy evenings ahead, with very little to clean up. Cheers!
Sun all day, Rain all night? A friend once told me he’d had a perfect childhood, and this evocative short description of it was the only one offered. So peaceful and simple, and a guide.
Pamela Osborne lives in Salisbury.
Michelle Blackburn, no. 12 of Pine Plains, helped lead the Bombers to victory over S.S. Seward Institute as point guard for most of the Section IX Class C tournament finals at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, N.Y., on Wednesday, March 5. The Bombers took home the title after winning the hard-fought game 55-42.
NEWBURGH, N.Y. — The Pine Plains girls varsity Bombers won the Section IX Class C girls tournament Wednesday, March 5, at Mount Saint Mary College.
The Bombers took an early lead against S.S. Seward's Spartans and didn't let off the throttle for the rest of the night, wining the game 55-42.
"We were here last year and we lost a tough one at the end," girls varsity coach Les Funk said after the game. "These kids never gave up. They had this in mind from last year. This was the goal."
"They had this in mind from last year," girls varsity head coach Les Funk of Pine Plains said. Funk said the young team wanted the sectional title and "never gave up," until they won it Wednesday, March 5, at Mount Saint Mary College.Photo by Nathan Miller
The Bombers hit the ground running in the finals matchup, winning the first possession and quickly racking up a 10 point lead before the end of the first quarter.
The squad was led in scoring by Neveah Rennie, no. 34, who scored 20 points, and Emma Brenner, no. 23, who scored 17 points.
Most of the Bombers points came from field goals in the first half. Pine Plains entered halftime with a 30-12 lead over Seward.
Naveah Rennie, no 34 of Pine Plains, was the Bombers' dominant scorer, racking up 20 points by the end of the matchup against S.S. Seward Institute during the Section IX Class C finals at Mount Saint Mary College on Wednesday, March 5.Photo by Nathan Miller
Seward caught on in the second half and fought hard to keep Rennie and Brenner from scoring, but only succeeded in sending the two shooters to the free-throw line where they both saw success.
Rennie made 75% of her free-throw attempts at the finals game. Brenner went to the line less often but came away with a higher make percentage of 83% — she made five out of six attempted free throws.
Ben Coon, 10, on the “mound,” practiced his pitching on Tuesday, March 4, in the Webutuck Elementary School gym, with Coach Colby Dunlop, left, giving pointers.
AMENIA — The 2025 Webutuck Little League season is around the corner and the League said players are still needed to fill out teams for games to be played in Millerton and Amenia.
Registration remains open for T-ball, majors, minors, seniors and girls’ softball teams. Some scholarships are available to cover costs.
League President Matt Deister said the League is planning tryouts to be held on Saturday, March 15, and on Thursday, March 20, at Webutuck high school and middle school gyms. Exact times will be announced but the expectation is that March 15 tryout will be in the morning and that the March 20 event will be in the early evening.
Volunteers and parent coaches are also welcomed for teams that range from 4-6 years of age to seniors at 13-16 years.
The start of the season is targeted to be mid-April, though an exact date has not been set. Teams play in Millerton at the Eddie Collins Memorial Park field and at Beekman Park in Amenia.
The Webutuck Little League season is bookended with an Opening Day celebration that amounts to a party for players and parents and a celebration at the end of the season when play is wrapped up and players receive trophies and more hot dogs and hamburgers.
At an organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 4, at the Webutuck Elementary School gym, where pitching practice was underway for players already signed up, the Webutuck Little League Board discussed plans for sponsorships, tryouts, safety training for coaches and other events planned for the spring.
Besides Deister, other officers include Eric Eschbach, vice president; Judy Moran, treasurer; and Jessica Deister, secretary. The next Board meeting is March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Webutuck Elementary School gym.
For more information about registration or volunteering, email webutucklittleleague@gmail.com.
The League’s Facebook page is WebutuckLittleLeague.
POUGHKEEPSIE — In a letter directed to Lee Dudek, acting commissioner of the Social Security Administration, on Feb. 27, New York State attorney general Letitia James emphasized the consequences of downsizing services at their Poughkeepsie office.
On the heels of the news at the Poughkeepsie location, the social security office in White Plains is scheduled to close. Westchester officials have been weighing a plan to offer a county-owned location in a bid to preserve the office.
The Trump administration has recently made a series of cuts affecting funding for various agencies and programs, but James maintained social security must be enshrined.
“Social Security is a sacred promise that this country makes to its citizens,” James said. “Seniors and people with disabilities throughout the Hudson Valley rely on the White Plains and Poughkeepsie offices to ensure they receive the support they deserve. Protecting access to Social Security and the rights of vulnerable New Yorkers must transcend politics and be a principle that all those in public service support.”
James pointed out anyone in need of services past what is currently offered at the Poughkeepsie location would be faced with extended travel times. For seniors and individuals with challenges who reside in Northern Dutchess, the reduction of service at Poughkeepsie and the closure at White Plains means traveling to the Hudson, Middletown or Peekskill locations — or further. It is feasible additional locations could face funding cuts or closures in the future.
“Shuttering our Poughkeepsie Social Security office and the pending closure in White Plains puts an unconscionable burden on our neighbors, from seniors to wounded veterans, and individuals with disabilities, who rely on these vital benefits and the convenience of local services,” Sen. Michelle Hinchey, D-41, said. “It’s the federal government’s job to administer Social Security. That job includes making sure no one is left behind or subject to delays and roadblocks. We need clarity from the SSA on their plans and a commitment to ensuring these facilities remain available locally.”
Lent: Time to consider social gospel movement
We are entering the annual Christian season of Lent this week.With its 40 days of contemplation and “little Easter” Sundays, it is a time to remember the healing ministry and the sacrifice of Jesus.During this season, we are invited to think deeply about our role as agents of grace and love in our hurting world.
There is a long history of making sacrifices and commitments for Lent, modeling our discipleship and hopes for a more heavenly world. It is through this lens that I invite you to join us in considering what gifts and services the community needs that we can commit to bringing forth in the weeks leading up to Easter.While many lean into solitary introspection during Lent, it may be particularly advantageous to use our meditations and sacrifices for the greater good this year.
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, advised his followers centuries ago that “The gospel of Christ knows of no religion, but social; no holiness but social holiness. Faith working by love is the length and depth and breadth and height of Christian perfection.”These words are connected to the firm belief of Wesley that a Methodist was fundamentally one who loved God with all their heart, mind, strength, and soul, along with loving one’s neighbor as oneself.He believed that being in love with God naturally also required loving other people, as every person was a beloved soul coming from the same source of life that we are.
Consequently, Wesley stood against slavery long before it was a popular view, prioritized caring for those who were poor and imprisoned, and made a point to do good to as many as he could for as long as he was physically able.
Indeed, the Methodists are not the only Christians who believe such things.These thoughts are primary messages of the Christian faith.In more recent history, we can note that during the time of the Golden Age, at the end of the late 19th century, the Christians mobilized to counteract the abject poverty, child labor, dangerous working conditions, and lack of education of the time.Famous theologians such as Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbusch, and W.E.B. DuBois began the Social Gospel movement, enacting with new verve the passion of Christ that empowers the community toward building the Kingdom of God.As Christians, they believed in uplifting the downtrodden and creating a community where all had a chance to thrive.Child labor laws were enacted, better working conditions were secured, Sunday School helped provide education, settlement houses were created, and the Salvation Army was born.
The social gospel movement continued in another wave of reforms and empowerment through the Civil Rights era.Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his intellect, energy, and life to help secure the reforms that enabled persons of color to vote, go to non-segregated schools, and have the right to share public spaces without discrimination.Like Christ, he paid the ultimate price for his prophetic vision.However, his impact on our society was formidable, lasting far beyond his short lifetime.
As Christians, it is very clear what to do in times of hardship, crisis, or challenge.Throughout the centuries, our call has been to help heal the world, doing whatever we can to uplift and transform loneliness into community, reminding each one how precious they are and how important it is to unite for the sake of the whole.Individually, the challenges can be overwhelming, even too much to bear.Collectively, we can do all things through the One who strengthens us.As they say, “We have the receipts!” We can do it again.
This Lent, let us give up our pessimism and fear, replacing it with a commitment to community and hope.Yes, things can seem dreadful, but our souls are not served by allowing ourselves to descend into the dark.We are keepers of the light.Let us do all within our power to create brightness so that its warmth may strengthen all as we live into the Social Gospel movement for our time.Chin up, friends, we can do this.We simply must be willing to get serious about doing it together.
Rev. Dr. Anna Crews Camphouse is pastor of Canaan, Lakeville, Millerton, and Sharon United Methodist Churches
Lead Pastor of the Northwestern Hills Cooperative
Parish UMC