Region’s libraries offer summer reading regimens

Last year’s summer reading program visit by the Two-by-Two Animal Haven shown here proved to be so popular it was repeated on Tuesday, July 2 at 10 a.m. at the Millbrook Library at 3 Friendy Lane in Millbrook.


Region’s libraries offer summer reading regimens

As students through North East leave school behind for the summer, their teachers are hoping they will return in the fall with all their hard earned reading skills in tact.

But like most, NorthEast —Millerton Library Youth Services Director and retired Webutuck elementary school teacher Lynn Buckley knows that without some sort of intervention, the dreaded “Summer Slip” could take away some of that progress for too many students — particularly for those whose gains were hardest fought.

One solution? Enter the summer reading “Adventure Begins in Your Library,” a statewide effort, The Collaborative Summer Library Program, which provides suggestions and encouragement for local libraries. Although working around the central theme, local libraries put their own spins on the topic as they hope to lure both enthusiastic and reluctant readers into their stacks and through their pages.

Library events are free and open to all with no card required although one is needed in order to check out books, DVD’s and other material. Cards are free to residents of the areas served.

Details of all libraries including addresses, schedules and programs are available on their websites. Highlights of the summer are as follows.


Amenia children will be keeping their reading accomplishments close to their hearts as they wear a lanyard with a punch card record of their summer reading attached. Saying they want the children to have flexibility in their choices of books, Library Director Victoria Herow says “ We’re not prioritizing numbers” but are suggesting various categories such as adventure, animals, and more with prizes given for books read. The high points of the summer will be several visits by “The Nutty Scientist” who will “teach science in a fun way.” In order to encourage more children to signup for the library, the staff will be visiting camps in the area. Go to or call 845-373-8273 for more information.


Summer reading at the Millbrook Library officially kicked off with a party on Friday, June 28 from 3 to 6 p.m. with an ice cream truck, live music, lawn games, face painting, and food. Patrons may register for the program and pick up season schedules at the library.

Children Literacy Coordinator Kate Anderson says that with special programs for every age group from babies on up, the library will keep its online calendar full as readers will win prizes their reading. For each book completed, they will also earn a token which will be added to a bucket at the main desk. At the end of the program, for each token counted, the library will donate a book to the United Way for distribution to families. Anderson says this is a way of “getting books into the hands of kids who don’t have books at home ... to encourage kids who normally do not read.” Go to or call 845-677-3611 for more information.


Buckley says shouts of BINGO will cap accomplishments of young readers at the NorthEast-Millerton Library as they complete their cards with boxes representing an accomplishment such as “reading a graphic novel or reading under your bed.” Bi-Lingual cards are available and readers may complete as many as they like, earning a prize for each one. As a bonus, Buckley has added a special “word games” section to the June children’s news letter which will keep participants of all ages occupied on even the rainiest day while building language skills. Throughout the six week session, there will be regular story times for a variety of ages mixed with music, backyard adventures, and outer space puppeteers. Kickoff for a pirate themed Adventures of the Sea will be on Saturday, July 6 from 11 a..m. to 12:30 p.m. with craft construction of a pirate hat or treasure map. Go to or call 518-789-3340 for more information.

Pine Plains

With the goal of introducing more children to the Pine Plains Free Library, Assistant Director Amy Mallozzi said the library is partnering with the town summer camp, booking performers for the camp with the event open to the public. Campers will also visit the library on a weekly basis, both of which she says will “increase traffic.’” Mallozzi hopes those visits will show that the library is “more than just sitting quietly and looking at a book.” Prizes will be given for the number of minutes read not just the number of books because as children read at different rates, they want to give them credit for the time they put in. Program registration is either in person or by phone. Mallozzi says no cards are needed as the program is “open to all. We don’t check. We don’t ask, we just hope people will come and participate.” Go to or call 518-398-1927 for more information.


Stanford Free Library Director Christa Cerul says they will “have something for everybody,” with reading logs as incentives leading to prizes including a raffle for four tickets to a Harlem Valley Renegades game with readers earning a ticket for each book read. Current focus is on story times for separate age groups: babies, toddlers, pre-school and kindergarten, and grades 1-3 with times posted online and a baby sitting class July 11 from 5 to 8 p.m. Thinking of new patrons, Cerul says, “We always hope the summer reading draws them in.” Go to or call 845-868-1341 for more information.

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