Advanced directives: making wishes known

When it comes to your health care and end-of-life decisions, do your loved ones know what you would want, or would they be left guessing and arguing among themselves if you became unable to decide for yourself?

These don’t have to be awkward conversations. It may come as a pleasant surprise to those closest to you that you’ve been giving end-of-life and aging issues some thought, to spare them future confusion in an already stressful situation.

Making your wishes clearly known, in writing, is the basis of what’s called “advance care planning.” The goal is to create plans known as “advance directives” covering the decisions that are best made ahead of time, while you’re able to do so. The directive can describe what you want, as well as what you don’t.

Nothing carved in stone

Your wishes may change between now and this time next year, or ten years from now, or even next week. An advance directive only takes effect if you cannot communicate your own wishes. That’s how the directive is designed: to let you make changes as your needs evolve.

The American Bar Association defines advance care planning as “a process for setting goals and plans with respect to medical care and treatments. It requires conversations between the individual and his or her family, key health care providers, and anyone else who may be involved in decision-making. It can begin at any point in a person’s life, regardless of his or her current health state and, ideally, is documented in an advance directive or recorded in your medical record, revisited periodically, and becomes more specific as your health status changes.”

If you are looking for a simple way to make your wishes known, a living will or a durable power of attorney are great directives to start with. There may be other directives needed to cover your finances and estate, depending on your needs.

What if no directive?

Planning can only improve your chances of receiving the care you prefer, while avoiding treatments you may wish to avoid. The lack of an advance care directive, on the other hand, can complicate what could otherwise be straightforward decisions about your health care. Without a directive, doctors may try to look to family, friends or clergy for guidance, or to a court-appointed guardian if no one can be found to make decisions on your behalf.

It costs less than doing nothing

While OFA legal services do not have a financial eligibility requirement, the services are intended for those who would be otherwise unable to afford them. We operate our legal services division on a suggested-donation basis.

Reach out to OFA at 845-486-2555 or, and we can help you get started with the advance directive process. Visit to find out more about our full range of legal services, as well as additional legal services located nearby.

Golden Living is prepared by the Dutchess County Office for the Aging.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of The Millerton News and The News does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

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