MILLBROOK — Bestselling author and veteran journalist Dan Egan joined Jane Lucas at the Cary Institute in Millbrook for an interview and discussion on his latest book, “The Devil’s Element,” Thursday, Jan. 16.
Fluffy white snowflakes were falling on the dark Cary Institute campus as eager visitors streamed inside to escape the cold and hear about phosphorous, the element Dan Egan said is too-often overlooked for its monumental importance to life on Earth.
Egan’s fascination with the fertilizing element started while he was working as a journalist covering the ecological devastation of Lake Erie. That lake, he said, was one of many victims of phosphorous.
Phosphorous is an important element to modern human life. Egan described the botanical concept of the “limiting element,” or the observation that the least abundant ingredient for life will be the limiting factor. In the early days of botanical chemistry, this was a huge discovery. Once scientists could isolate elements like phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium, and they understood the role they played in plant growth, food production sky rocketed.
Egan credits the fertilizer revolution as the sole reason why the planet can support a human population of seven billion and counting, but he said our dependence and misuse of chemical fertilizers has huge consequences for our communities.
Egan’s research points to a growing body of evidence suggesting phosphorous contamination can turn rivers and freshwater lakes lethal with toxic algal blooms.
What’s more, toxic algal blooms caused by phosphorous contamination can even be swept out to sea, which occurred in Mississippi in 2019. That year, massive flooding upstream in the Mississippi river basin forced the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to open the Bonnet Carré spillway on the Mississippi river in Louisiana on two separate occasions for an annual total of 122 days. The deluge of fresh water diluted the Gulf of Mexico enough that it could support the freshwater toxic algae that plague Lake Erie and other waters across the country. That summer, the state of Mississippi had to close its beaches all year long because of a huge bloom just off its shores.
In the question and answer portion, one concerned audience member asked what could be done to fix the problem. Egan said the issue isn’t one individuals can change on their own. The root of the problem, he said, is industrial agriculture. Fertilizer pollution is historically under regulated, and he said many businesses haven’t realized the utility of reclaiming phosphorous until recently.
Copies of Egan’s book are available for sale at Merritt Bookstore in Millbrook. The Cary Institute hosts regular science seminars and ecology lectures. A full list of planned events can be found online at