Hecate Energy reapplies to build 42MW solar project in Copake

Farmland vista where the proposed 42 megawatt Shepherd’s Run Solar Farm is planned along Route 23 at the entryway to the rural hamlet of Copake.

Photo by John Coston

Hecate Energy reapplies to build 42MW solar project in Copake

COPAKE — Hecate Energy LLC has filed its intent to construct a major solar energy facility after months have passed since the Chicago-based company last June stated it would reenter the application process.

The filing of intent by Hecate, made on Dec. 19 with the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission, was followed three days later by filing of its application.

The timing — two days before Christmas — was criticized by the Town of Copake in a motion it immediately filed requesting the state reject Hecate’s filing.

The Shepherd’s Run project has a years-long history. Last spring, following the state’s rejection of Hecate’s application for the Shepherd’s Run project, the company said it would refile its application “on or about June 3.” In the months have which passed, town officials and residents have been anxiously awaiting any development. The suspense in the intervening months was chronicled in a monthly newsletter written by Richard Wolf, Copake’s Town Supervisor.

In December, he wrote “...It’s been seven months and counting since Hecate Energy announced its intention to file a new application to construct a 42-megawatt facility on more than 200 acres of prime farmland in Craryville. Rumor has it that Hecate intends to file a new application before the end of the year, although they haven’t told us about their plans.”

Shepherd’s Run is a proposed solar project near the intersection of Routes 23 and 7. It originally was designed as a 60-megawatt facility but was scaled down after the company lost control of a parcel of land that was integral to the original design.

In its motion filed with the state, the town wrote: “The Town of Copake hopes that Hecate’s surprise announcement to file its application on December 23 is not intended to deprive the public of meaningful opportunities for participation in this proceeding. “
Two local groups opposed to the project joined in opposition to the latest Hecate filing. Sensible Solar of New York noted in a letter that the “lengthy delay, followed by filing two days before Christmas, is yet another example of Hecate’s bad corporate character and ongoing disregard for public involvement in the siting process.”

The Birch Hill Road Neighbors Association in Craryville wrote: “Applicant’s decision to file its application including 247 documents on December 23, 2024, during the busy holiday season, further reduces the already limited window of time for residents to consider funding requests and organize representation.”

Attempts to reach Hecate for comment were unsuccessful.

An associate counsel at the state Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission noted that Hecate had filed a 60-day notice of intent on March 28, 2024. Referencing Hecate’s latest three-day notice, and asking that the town’s motion be denied, the counsel wrote: “It has not been the practice of the Office to require Applicants to refile a 60-Day Notice if the 60 days has elapsed before the application has been filed.”

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