Women ‘Smarter’ on literacy tests; Webutuck band plays for Pataki and a past Memorial Day

May 25, 1933

‘Voting Tests Show Women Are Smarter. But, If So, Why Can’t They Learn Not to Lose Gloves?’: The men will doubtless be surprised, but the women know all along that they were the smarter, and now they have the proof in figures of the Education Department dealing with the results of literacy tests prerequisite to voting for the first time in the absence of a school certificate. These show that last fall only 4.94 per cent [sic] of the women who took the test failed, compared to 9.46 per cent [sic] of the men.[...]

‘Children’s Day Plans Changed by Epidemic’: Despite the fact that attendance is somewhat hurt by the measles epidemic, the Millerton Presbyterian Sunday School bustles with activity and plans for the immediate future. The measles have caused a change in plans for Children’s day, but the committee in charge chopes to put on an interesting and enjoyable entertainment. [...]

May 23, 1974

‘Women Make Top Scores; But Not OnRescue [sic] Squad’: This year, the three highest scores in the Sharon Hospital Care Course were obtained by women, making it the third year in a row that women have achieved the highest scores in the classes. Yet no matter how well she may do in the course, a woman cannot become a member of the Millerton Rescue Squad.

Millerton’s Rescue Squad is part of its Fire Department; to join the former, a woman has to become a member of the latter.

There is little chance of a woman joining the Fire Department in the near future. [...] there are from 6 to 10 men on the waiting list now, and the length of time they will wait for an opening can run from 2 to 4 years.

Many other towns in the area do have women on their rescue squads. In Amenia, for example, the women on the squad have every privilege which the male members enjoy [...]

Amenia has three women in its rescue squad-Barbara Murphy, Anna Dahoney, and Margaret Cunningham. [...]

According to Amenia’s Fire Chief James Murphy, the women are “very efficient” and the men are “indifferent” to having women work with them. Murphy can foresee the day when women will also be in the Fire Department. “Maybe I’m all wet,” he said, “but eventually you’re going to see women at the end of a hose.”

“Millerton Personals, Perotti Honored”: Charles A. Perotti, son of Mr and Mrs. Frank Perotti, Millerton, received the Red Cross Appreciation Certificate at the recent Awards Convocation at the State University of New York, Agricultural and Technical College at Cobleskill.

May 27, 1999

‘After Albany Concert, Webutuck Band Returns With Stellar Program’: The annual spring concert at Webutuck High School May 19 was the first opportunity for the band to perform in front of a home crowd. And they did not disappoint.

The senior high chorus also put on an outstanding show that night, including a moving rendition of “Dust in The Wind.”

The accolades continued at the home concert for the band which caught gubernatorial attention.

“We were invited by the New York State School Music Association to perform at the Empire State Plaza as part of the ‘Music in Our Schools’ month back in March,” band director Nancy Gagne recalled. Webutuck was one of only 30 bands throughout the state to be selected for the honor.

They played so well, the director of the convention center on the Grand Concourse at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, Heather Flynn, invited them back based on what she had heard.

Ms. Flynn arranged to have the band perform at Gov. George Pataki’s fifth annual prayer breakfast on May 11.

All the state’s top brass were on hand at the prayer breakfast, including a total of 1,500 people. Gov. Pataki and his wife Libby waved to the band, and thanked them for their efforts. …

“It was a great experience for the kids to go some place, and perform,” Ms. Gagne said. “And to perform in front of people they don’t know was a wonderful experience.”

‘Services For Memorial Day 1999’: Memorial Day Services sponsored by American Legion Post 178 in Millerton are scheduled Monday, May 31, beginning at 10 a.m. with a parade forming in front of the Millerton Volunteer Fire Department on Century Boulevard at 9:30 a.m. and stepping off promptly at 10, according to Post Commander Al Andrews.

The line of march will be down Main Street, across Route 22 to Irondale Cemetery to the Veterans Plot where a short memorial service will be held. The parade group will reassemble and proceed to the Town Park for the traditional ceremonies.

Legionnaires of Post 178 are responsible for the decoration of the graves of all known veterans with flags and also hold early morning services at local cemeteries to honor fallen comrades.

Commander Andrews invites all Millerton residents and neighboring towns to participate and observe Memorial Day which should include the display of the American flag by every household and business.

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