Bee Bee the Clown celebrates 30 years
Celebrating her 30th anniversary in the Hudson Valley this year, Jackie Reynolds — best known to families and children as Bee Bee the Clown — will soon be embarking on a multi-stop tour around the region for International Clown Week, starting Sunday, Aug. 1, through Saturday, Aug. 7. Photo submitted

Bee Bee the Clown celebrates 30 years

HUDSON VALLEY — It’s been 30 years since she first donned that red nose, and Jackie Reynolds — best known as “Bee Bee the Clown” — said she’s been blessed and honored to have a career spanning three decades that’s brought happiness to so many throughout the Hudson Valley. 

From Sunday, Aug. 1, through Saturday, Aug. 7, area residents will be seeing even more of Bee Bee, as she embarks on a multi-stop tour around the region to celebrate both her anniversary and International Clown Week.

A resident of Milan, Reynolds left her career as a chemical engineer at Polaroid and was staying at home with her three small children when the idea for Bee Bee first developed. 

As her children grew, Reynolds said she wanted a job that balanced the responsibilities of motherhood and was fun. At the time, she was volunteering on the Milan Recreation Committee, hosting Easter, Christmas and Halloween parties.

Between her committee work, her organizational and communication skills, Reynolds said she realized as an entertainer she could have control of her schedule. As surprising as it seemed, she said becoming a clown was a natural choice for her — thus, Bee Bee was born.

“I always think that Bee Bee the Clown is just a little bit more of who I am,” Reynolds said, “because I don’t change my own personality but I have the liberty of just being, I’d say, more exuberant or more of who I am because it’s not different from who I am… I think it gives me the liberty to be brave in approaching life.”

Throughout the last three decades, Reynolds has entertained countless children — and their parents — with her clowning around, magic tricks, ventriloquism and balloon artistry. 

Much of that time was spent at the Amenia Free Library, where she entertained hundreds of young children over the years. Former Library Director Miriam Devine was an ardent supporter who often engaged Bee Bee in her programming.

“Miriam was very instrumental in my work in the Amenia area,” remembered Reynolds.

Asked how she keeps her act fresh after 30 years, she said her secret is being authentic.

“Even if I’ve done the same performance material, each time [I] present it, it’s new,” she said.

She also learns new skills for her acts. Just recently, she learned to juggle clubs for a funny drop routine she wants to try.

When asked if she has a favorite type of crowd, Reynolds said she enjoys when audience members are of “a cynical age” — which can range from children age 10 up to grandfathers — and she appreciates those who consider her act a success. 

One of her proudest moments occurred when both her sons invited her to entertain them and their friends at college.

With International Clown Week on the horizon, Reynolds will be  touring the Hudson Valley — including Milan, Red Hook, Germantown, Pine Plains and Poughkeepsie. She’s also traveling to Maryland. She’s ordered more than 100 dozen clown noses to give away on her stops, which can be found online at 

As she takes part in this celebration, Reynolds will gather fan photos to create a memory album. The album will be submitted for the “best album” honor, also known as the Clowns Have A Real Love in Everyone (CHARLIE) Award, which will awarded by Clowns of America International next year.

“It’s sort of a surprise blessing,” Reynolds said of her lengthy career. “I did not grow up to be a clown. I did not expect that this was what I was going to do, but I am more than blessed and honored that this is what I am doing… It’s an intangible career but incredibly valuable in the joy that it brings.”

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