The Millerton News - August 13, 2015

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Donors give Stanford $2 million for ambulance; $150,000 for park

The proposed Dot and Ira Burdick Park plan with funding donated by Gayle Bontecou in memory of her late husband Jesse, features among other things a berry patch, beehives, crab apple walk, benches, walkways, a pollinator meadow, split rail fence, a pavilion for field trips and historical society exhibits, a pond with a boardwalk over it, and parking.

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STANFORD — When an ambulance arrives in the next three years to save a life in Stanford, it will be doing so largely thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor who recently gave what Town Supervisor Wendy Burton describes as a “jaw dropping” $2 million to pick up the lion’s share of that service’s annual fee of $750,000.

When families build memories in the soon to be created Dot and Ira Burdick pocket park, named respectively after the former historian and town supervisor, their appreciation should go to Gayle Bontecou for the $150,000 donation she made in memory of her late husband Jesse — one of many they made over the years.

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Millerton Police receive $220,000 funding increase

MILLERTON — The Millerton Police Department has received $220,000 from New York’s Division of Criminal Justice Services to update infrastructure and aid in supplying officers with uniforms and firearms.

In July, Millerton’s Police Department requested an increase in funding to support the officers on duty.

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The Creators:
Sam Guindon's artistic palette

Norfolk painter Sam Guindon.

Jennifer Almquist

Painter Sam Guindon is an earnest young man who paints light with the skill of John Singer Sargent. Guindon’s attention to technique harks back to an earlier time when artists studied under a master, learned anatomy, perspective, how to make their own pigment, and closely observed the work of great artists. Guindon has studied oil painting since he was nineteen. In a recent show of his paintings in his hometown of Norfolk, Connecticut, Guindon sold 40 of the 42 paintings he exhibited.

Guindon’s sketchbooks are windows into his creative mind and a well-traveled life, packed with vignettes, ink drawings, observations and thoughts written in the margins. His subjects range from sketches done in gouache at the National Gallery, to ink drawings of vine-covered trees in Costa Rica, to the interior of an airplane drawn with the perspective of a fisheye lens, to colorful bottles of hot sauce. Currently Guindon is teaching art at the Compass Atelier in Maryland.

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