Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago — May 1923

Clarence Allen has moved from the Beehive to the Frank Cryoskie place at Ore Hill.


Adv.: For Sale — 1 Moyer carriage, used but little, a set brass trimmed single harness. Apply Chester Sackett, Washburn Place.


Beginning Monday, May 21st, the barber shops of Lakeville will open one hour earlier and close at 5 o’clock p.m. during the summer months.


S.O. Cowles has sold his Electrical Business to George Sylvernale.


50 years ago — May 1973

All rail line abandonments in New York State have been halted in their tracks. Yesterday in New York City Federal District Court Judge Marven E. Frankel ruled that “the Interstate Commerce Commission is restrained from issuing any final order or otherwise permitting abandonment of any section of railroad track wholly or partly in New York State in abandonment cases now before the ICC.” The judge’s ruling, which will stand until further court hearings June 4, came at the request of lawyers for the Harlem Valley Transportation Committee, the New York State Transportation Coalition, the Natural Resources Defense Council, New York City and the State of New York.


Housatonic Valley Regional High School student Joseph Schmitt has developed a series of equations he believes may modify Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. He talked about his theory at the last meeting of the regional school board and reported on the two-day Yale Science Symposium, which he attended with science teacher John Yohe. As Joseph explained to the school board on May 8, Einstein’s theory indicated that particles could not reach the speed of light because as they did so, their mass would become infinite. During a recent interview, Mr. Schmitt further explained that current opinion considers there might be particles which exceed the speed of light, and that light itself might have mass.


The “new” old covered bridge in West Cornwall will reopen tomorrow with Gov. Thomas Meskill officiating at the 10:30 a.m. ceremonies. The governor is expected to arrive in his vintage 1923 touring car.


25 years ago — May 1998

LIME ROCK — The practice run for an amateur Porsche club race took a tragic turn Saturday when Richard Calhoun Jr. of Millbrook, N.Y., was killed when his car left the race track and struck a guardrail. Saturday’s rains may have contributed to the accident, said Mike Rand, vice president of Lime Rock Park.


Sharon volunteer firefighter Dana Purdy stood in the bucket of a ladder truck — as many young boys hope to when they grow older — but the controls failed, dumping him out and slamming him against the fire truck. Luckily a safety harness kept him from falling to the ground.


John Harney of Lakeville said he would brew a special tea and give the profits from its sale to the Jane Lloyd Fund. He has done exactly that. The tea is called Jane’s Garden Tea. Ms. Lloyd had surgery for breast cancer and is receiving chemotherapy. She had no health insurance and her siblings staged a benefit for her a few weeks ago to which the community responded generously.


These items were taken from The Lakeville Journal archives at Salisbury’s Scoville Memorial Library, keeping the original wording intact as possible.

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Ann Marie Nonkin

LAKEVILLE — Ann Marie Nonkin, 80, of Millerton Road, passed away Aug. 25, 2024, at Connecticut Hospice in Branford. She was the loving wife of the late Dr. Paul Nonkin.

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Classes start soon at local schools

Elm Drive Elementary School in Millbrook.

Photo provided

MILLERTON — The beginning of September is quickly approaching, which means that summer is coming to an end for many kids in the Hudson Valley.

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Photo by Olivia Valentine

RHINEBECK — The Dutchess County Fair has ended for the season, which ran from Aug. 20 until Sunday, Aug. 25.

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Public Service Commission audit sought by Pulver

A. Gregg Pulver

John Coston

POUGHKEEPSIE — Dutchess County Comptroller A. Gregg Pulver filed an audit request of the New York Department of Public Service Commission Thursday, Aug. 15.

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