Independence — not to be taken for granted

INDEPENDENCE—such a simple, too often taken for granted word with such important meaning. Its import was the reason our Constitution was drafted by wise men with our country’s future, best interests, welfare and security in mind. Independence (freedom from influence or control by others).

Our freedom seeking forefathers fought the Revolutionary War, a costly, human toll uprising against English tyranny and authoritarian control. American true-grit prevailed culminating into today’s United States of America.

Often tested, often challenged and attacked, but always coming out on top. WHY? — because the majority of Americans possess a good deal of common sense and self preservation not wanting their lives interrupted by unknown and undesirable change and are willing to rise up or support those in arms if necessary to protect their freedoms.

We have a problem these days — we are experiencing degrading of civil society, our military and our principles facilitated by self-serving politicians, radicals and outside influenced and funded sponsors delighted in degrading our country’s freedoms and independence by exploiting naive close-minded and easily manipulated individuals who accept repetitious propaganda as truth.

I personally define independence as being able to voice my own opinions, vote for my own candidate, pick my own friends, spend my own time and money and plan my own future without fear of coercion or prosecution.

I am an old veteran. I support our military, veterans, first responders and defend our too often abused and challenged Constitution. I help my neighbors and those in need and proudly fly my American flag every day. It symbolizes something very special to me and many of you readers. I am not overly religious but I absolutely know there is a forgiving and caring God, otherwise I would not be typing this today.

Patriots will always hold the line against those wanting to destroy our independence and freedoms. We will prevail through true grit and perseverance as we always have for over two centuries. God bless you readers and your families. Happy Independence Day each and every day to you all.

Town of North East resident Larry Conklin is a Vietnam veteran and a member of both the Millerton American Legion Post 178 and the VFW Post 6851 in North Canaan, Conn.

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