Economic Development Committee convenes for organizational meeting
Amenia Town Hall
Photo by John Coston

Economic Development Committee convenes for organizational meeting

AMENIA — The inaugural meeting of Amenia’s Economic Development Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 15, elected officers and began discussion of their mission and goals.

Elected unanimously to serve as officers within the five-member committee which will serve as an advisory group to the Town Board were Ken Topolsky, chairman; Richard Fields, vice-chairman; and James Ohliger, secretary.

Robust professional expertise characterizes the backgrounds of the committee members outlined during a round of introductions. That well of experience drove discussion of mission and goals as the group will seek to determine development priorities early in its service.

Once priorities are mapped out, the committee will present their initial thoughts to the Town Board for comment and direction. The priorities are expected to be accompanied by suggested sub-goals, forming a structure for moving ahead.

Councilperson Rosanna Hamm, the committee’s liaison with the Town Board, spoke during the public comment segment, acknowledging economic diversity within the town as well as social divisions. She urged the board to seek input from the community to overcome existing public perceptions among factions.

“This committee could do a needs assessment,” Hamm said, suggesting a social event to introduce the committee to the community, including business people. Such an event would serve as a listening session to hear directly from residents.

“We need to define our role, our goals,” said Topolsky, adding that if the committee seeks to attract new businesses as a goal, then the committee would serve as an adjudicator to study problems within the business community, bringing sides together.

Resident and Wassaic business owner Sharon Kroeger attended the meeting and offered public comment. She recalled the town once had an active Chamber of Commerce, although that organization has gone on to merge with area Chambers within the Tri-State Chamber.

Topolsky reminded the committee Wassaic needs to be included within planning work, as the town is made up of more than one hamlet neighborhood.

Kroeger displayed a town map indicating the town is divided into six separate hamlets divided by geologic formations.

“We’re here to devise strategies and present those ideas to the Town Board for guidance on how and whether to proceed,” committee member Tom Buttacavoli said, with committee member Damian Gutierrez agreeing the committee is advisory only.

Gutierrez noted that in addition to considering the two local commercial districts — Amenia and Wassaic — the strong agricultural heritage of the town should also be considered.

Topolsky reminded the committee of the existence of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan for Development, now under review for update by another committee. He indicated any ideas offered by the Economic Development Committee will need to be in alignment with the updated plan.

The new committee expects to meet quarterly, although it will meet in coming weeks to agree on a list of priorities for its work with each member submitting a list of suggested priorities for discussion.

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