AMENIA — Continuing momentum fueled by the recent Democratic National Convention, the Amenia Democratic Committee held a kick-off event on Sunday, Aug. 25, at the Indian Rock Schoolhouse pavilion, gearing up and organizing for the upcoming campaign push to the November elections.
While the group of nearly 50 volunteers gathered, music was provided by folk guitarist Joseph Sobol, who had written a piece called “The Timothy Waltz,” set to the tune of “The Tennessee Waltz.” He said it was a piece that just had to be written.
Town Supervisor Leo Blackman rallied support and the spirit of volunteerism to get the vote out, while observing that in his position as a town official, his approach to leadership is importantly non-partisan. He did admit to be “jazzed” by the national convention.
Town Board member Rosanna Hamm reported that at last year’s election, of the 864 registered Democrats, only 401 cast ballots.
“We need to get out and vote,” Hamm said, encouraging everyone to talk with their neighbors, an example of something that can be done.
Candidate for Dutchess County Comptroller, Dan Aymar-Blair of Beacon, spoke of positive energy he was finding during his canvassing door-to-door. And, he noted that at 5’11”, he is the tallest person running for Comptroller.
“We need financial oversight in Dutchess County,” Aymar-Blair said, noting that the county has a $600 million budget, but a debt of more than $1 billion. He added that residents need his experience (20 years in public finance) and his independence in the office.
Representing candidate Michelle Hinchey in her bid for state Senate District 41, Eddie Monroy, her deputy campaign manager, described her as “an advocate for communities in rural New York.”
“To reflect our values, we have to be engaged and committed to voting this year,” Monroy said. He noted that over the past three years of service, Hinchey had endorsed 74 bills.
“I work really hard and I show up for other people,” said Town Board candidate Charlie Miller, who reviewed his work with a variety of town committees, including Housing and Wastewater. Miller is running for a one-year term to fill the Town Board seat vacated by Leo Blackman when he was elected Town Supervisor.
“I’m a fiscally responsible person,” Miller said, describing his commitment to research to understand fully issues facing the town.
Energized by the event, attendees stepped up to volunteer to canvass door-to-door, make phone calls, mail postcards, and most carried away a stack of lawn signs.