Everything You Want To Know About Audiobooks
Peter Lerman, who now sports a full beard, will talk about the art and commerce of audiobooks on Aug. 31. Photo from www.lermanvo.com

Everything You Want To Know About Audiobooks

If you want to hear Peter Lerman’s raspy, folksy delivery as an accomplished audiobooks narrator you can easily go to his website at www.lermanvo.com. There he promises “the truth and nothing but the truth” — as he specializes in nonfiction (and has done the audio recording for nearly 100 books).

But his audiobook delivery is beside the point, at least for the purposes of Lerman’s in-person presentation by the Kent Memorial Library on Tuesday, Aug. 31, at 6 p.m. in the reading room.

Lerman’s talk will cover all aspects of audiobook conception, production and distribution. He will begin with who buys and listens to audiobooks, how they listen and why. He will explain how audiobooks are produced and he will talk about ways to self-publish an audiobook.  

Business topics touched upon will be the economics of production and distribution as well as industry trends, historic performance and future outlook. 

Lerman is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the Audio Publishers Association, is an Audible Approved Narrator and a winner of an AudioFile Magazine Earphones Award. 

This talk is free and open to the public; masks are required.

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“Why Am I Being Asked to Donate to a News Organization?”

It’s a really good question and we’re asked it all the time.

Maybe you already give to your volunteer EMS, your church, or the local theater, and it seems perfectly natural when they ask for donations.

But your local newspapers? What’s that about?

Well, it’s about how tough the news business has become since the Internet “arrived.”

Newspapers have shuttered throughout the country, as most of the ads that kept newspapers going have moved online, and many younger folks never developed the habit of reading a newspaper, in print or online.

What’s kept The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News going are the many loyal readers and advertisers who value both publications as the most reliable sources of news and information in the Tri-Corner Region. But revenue from subscribers and advertisers alone is not sufficient to produce quality local news.

So in 2021 we became a non-profit which publishes the newspapers, the websites, and the newsletters. As a non-profit, we accept tax-deductible donations. And that new revenue stream is critical to our continued expansion of coverage of both the issues our communities face and the entertainment and recreational opportunities that make this area such a great place to live.

If you’re able to donate, THANK YOU! You’ll be joining hundreds of your friends and neighbors who are investing in the future of the only locally owned news organization in the Tri-Corner Region. (You can see a list of donors in our Annual Reports.)

Or, donate by check and mail to

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P.O. Box 625
Millerton, NY 125461

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