Veterans Day at Fountain Square
Honoring the service of veterans in the annual observance at Fountain Square, local officials joined with an Honor Guard from VFW Post 5444 of Dover Plains on Friday, Nov. 11. Lily Wheatley, at the podium, sang “America the Beautiful” as part of the proceedings. 
Photo by Leila Hawken

Veterans Day at Fountain Square

AMENIA — Under cloudy skies, the town’s annual observance of Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 11 assembled the community at Fountain Square to honor all veterans who served their country.

The event was organized by VFW Post 5444 in Dover Plains, beginning promptly at 11 a.m. as tradition dictates. Town Supervisor Victoria Perotti offered comments on the history of the date, once observed as Armistice Day, the date when the armistice was signed to end World War I in 1918. The first Armistice Day was observed in 1919, she noted, later undergoing a name change to Veterans Day.

“Without the sacrifices of veterans, we would not have the freedoms we have today,” Perotti said.

Talented soprano Lily Wheatley, 9th grade student and participant in the Amenia Free Theater Arts Program, performed an unaccompanied rendition of “America the Beautiful,” executing the high notes with aplomb.

Toward the end, children were invited to place a wreath by the monument commemorating the service of local veterans.

Addressing those gathered within the circle of Fountain Square, Post Commander Maddie Fletcher spoke stirringly about the service of all veterans.

“It’s the veterans serving under the nation’s flag who have given you your freedoms,” Fletcher said, enumerating the many freedoms within the U.S. Constitution, each defended by the service of veterans. “Veterans are people we speak with and see every day,” she said.

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Photo provided

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