Amenia wastewater panel considers system for distributing costs among users

AMENIA — Preparing for a scheduled meeting with Laberge Group Engineering of Albany, the Wastewater Committee discussed details of a possible system for distributing costs among potential users at their meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5.

The cost distribution system, termed Benefit units, was included in the Map, Plan and Report document of 2009 prepared by Morris Associates, Engineering Consultants. Laberge is expected to produce a Map, Plan and Report document, but key to that report is an agreed-upon system for spreading costs among users.

Wastewater Committee chairman Charlie Miller reported that the goal is to have Laberge’s MPR in hand by mid-autumn, so that a petition drive can begin. Results of the petition drive will allow the creation of a wastewater district, an essential step before major infrastructure funding applications can be submitted.

During discussion, the committee agreed to the Benefit Unit system of cost dispersal as described by Morris Associates’ 2009 report. Under the system, Miller explained, a single-family home, zoned residential, would be defined as one benefit unit. A two-family home would have two benefit units, and so on. An undeveloped lot with up to three residential parcels, would be defined as one benefit unit.

Commercially zoned units would be assessed at one benefit unit for each 165 gallons of average daily flow.

Committee member Shannon Roback expressed concern that the added costs might result in landlords increasing rents for their tenants.

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