Two-vehicle fatal crash in Wingdale at Routes 22 and 55 under investigation

DOVER — The Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fatal crash that occurred on Thursday, June 13 at the intersection of Route 22 and Route 55 in the hamlet of Wingdale.

The two-vehicle incident occurred at approximately 3:45 p.m. and involved a 2010 Chevrolet pickup driven by Joseph W. Hogan, 74, of Sherman, Connecticut, and an unloaded 2020 Kenworth tractor-trailer.

Hogan was later pronounced dead at Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital in Poughkeepsie. The Sheriff’s Office reported that the accident occurred at the southernmost intersection of the two state routes, south of the Mobil Station.

According to the report, the pickup was preparing to enter traffic on Route 22 and entered the path of the northbound tractor-trailer.

The operator of the tractor-trailer was transported to Vassar Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Both operators were the sole occupants of their respective vehicles.

At this time no charges have been filed and the primary factor in the crash appears to be failure to yield the right of way on the part of the pickup’s driver.

The investigation is continuing.

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