A quieter and more secure future for Lime Rock Park

LIME ROCK — In March, Lime Rock Park (LRP) owner Skip Barber reached an agreement to sell a majority interest in the race track to a group of investors.

This group, led by Dicky Riegel, Charles Mallory and Bill Rueckert, “are the right guys,” Barber said.

Riegel is the former president and CEO of Airstream and is chair of the Board of Trustees at Salisbury School; Mallory is the founder of the Greenwich Hospitality Group; Rueckert is chair of the Board of Trustees of Teachers College at Columbia University.

All three are frequent users of Lime Rock Park — a fact not lost on Barber.

“I became concerned seven or eight years ago about who would be the steward of Lime Rock Park down the road,” he said.

Riegel, the new LRP chief executive officer, gave the Salisbury Planning and Zoning Commission an outline of future plans for the track at the commission’s Aug. 16 meeting (held online).

He began by saying that the new ownership team wishes to establish a good working relationship with the town and the commission.

He said LRP would address ongoing noise concerns from the Lime Rock Citizens Council. He also said LRP is working with the State Police and the town to address speeding on local roads.

Riegel said the new ownership wishes to expand the activities at Lime Rock Park, with an emphasis on the word “park.”

Riegel cited the 2022 Trade Secrets, an annual fundraising event for Women’s Support Services, as an example of an activity that is not related to motor sports.

He said the track will submit an application to build an “events chalet” that will be better suited for indoor events.

Also in the works are plans to expand the infield kitchen, which will replace the outfield kitchen and eliminate the need to cook food in the outfield kitchen and then drive it around to the infield.

In the B Paddock, LRP plans to build garages, which will reduce the number of vehicles arriving by trailer for racing events.

Further down the road are plans for a “hospitality area” in the outfield, with a hotel, dining and a museum.

Riegel said the ultimate goal is to make LRP a four-season tourist destination.

Dicky Riegel, at right in photo, is part of a new ownership group that purchased Lime Rock Park from owner Skip Barber, who is at left in this photo from last spring. Photo by Patrick L. Sullivan

The Historic Festival over Labor Day weekend is one of the highlights of the season at Lime Rock Park. Photo by Lans Christensen

Dicky Riegel, at right in photo, is part of a new ownership group that purchased Lime Rock Park from owner Skip Barber, who is at left in this photo from last spring. Photo by Patrick L. Sullivan
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