Donors give Stanford $2 million for ambulance; $150,000 for park

The proposed Dot and Ira Burdick Park plan with funding donated by Gayle Bontecou in memory of her late husband Jesse, features among other things a berry patch, beehives, crab apple walk, benches, walkways, a pollinator meadow, split rail fence, a pavilion for field trips and historical society exhibits, a pond with a boardwalk over it, and parking.

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Donors give Stanford $2 million for ambulance; $150,000 for park

STANFORD — When an ambulance arrives in the next three years to save a life in Stanford, it will be doing so largely thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor who recently gave what Town Supervisor Wendy Burton describes as a “jaw dropping” $2 million to pick up the lion’s share of that service’s annual fee of $750,000.

When families build memories in the soon to be created Dot and Ira Burdick pocket park, named respectively after the former historian and town supervisor, their appreciation should go to Gayle Bontecou for the $150,000 donation she made in memory of her late husband Jesse — one of many they made over the years.

Both contributions were announced in a recent newsletter by Burton who says, “we have something going on here” with the gifts representative of the way in which the once fractured town has “come together” and is now a “town that just wants to take care of itself” with citizens stepping up to manage the many needs.

In discussing the donations, she explained that in the past, the “must have” ambulance service had been provided by volunteers such as those currently at the fire department whom she says are “the best ever.” However, when the volunteers needed to be replaced by a professional service, it came with an eye-popping $62,000 cost per month — 92% of which will now be covered for the next three years by the donation.

The other contribution, the new park, will adapt wetlands for nature trails, a pond, historic and nature kiosks, bird houses and a pollinator field. When the donated land was accepted five years ago, it was with the provision that tax money would not be used on it.

When Bontecou, whom Burton describes as “an incredibly generous woman” asked what the town could use, Burton showed her the park plans. She reported Bontecou “said, ‘I’ll write a check for $150,000’ and one of us started crying.”

Burton feels that citizens stepping up is typical of Stanford and believes it may have begun with the privately funded library which is now the “center of the town,” with the “best programming in the world.”

Similarly, the recreation park was built by some 200 citizens sharing their talents in everything from carpentry to hole digging to child care with the efforts under the direction of the organizing company.

Burton also pointed with pride to the way in which the community came together to support the Kemmerer family after a horrendous fire destroyed the heart of their 100 year old farm, raising $100,000 through Go Fund Me with local goods and services donated to a $25,000 auction.

Burton, a 17 year resident of Stanford, who has been supervisor for the past five years says that some days are filled with people complaining that “a garbage truck dropped garbage in front of their house or they don’t like the way a tree was trimmed or there’s a pothole and you’re just going, ‘I’m not the Master of the Universe here.’ And then you have a day like this and you go, ‘Wow! I love my job.’”

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