Amenia Fire Co.,
Ropes Rescue Team honored by town

Honored with an official proclamation at the Town Board meeting on Thursday, June 20, were members of the Amenia Fire Company and the Ropes Rescue Team, all Amenia residents. Left to right are First Lt. Rescue Christopher Klingner; Former Chief Aaron Howard, Jr.; First Lt. Richie Howard, Jr.; Town Supervisor Leo Blackman holding the proclamation; Fire Chief Christopher Howard; Second Lt. Zachary Klingner; Former Chief Richard Howard; and Willie Ford.

Leila Hawken

Amenia Fire Co., Ropes Rescue Team honored by town

AMENIA — During the Town Board meeting on Thursday, June 20, an official Proclamation was presented to the Amenia Fire Company and the Amenia Ropes Rescue Team, honoring their vital volunteer service to the town, its residents and the surrounding region.

Presenting the Proclamation signed by each member of the Town Council was Town Supervisor Leo Blackman, citing four technical rescues performed during May and June requiring extraordinary dedication and skill.

Included in the Proclamation is recognition of the service of both the Fire Company and the Ropes Rescue Team, the latter formed five years ago and comprised of nine fire company members. In cooperation with Connecticut and Massachusetts departments, they are part of the Northwest Regional Ropes Rescue Team, attending monthly meetings and responding as called.

One of the four rescues involved rapid response to challenging terrain and attracted national notice. Particularly mentioned was the heroic quarry rescue of Rippy, a 30-pound terrier that had fallen 30 feet and clung precariously to a small rock ledge, beyond the reach of standard fire department truck ladders.

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Catherine Haggarty and Dan Gunn at Geary Contemporary.

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