Webutuck girls win suit; Harlem Line’s overcrowded passenger cars

The following excerpts from The Millerton News were com- piled by Kathleen Spahn, Vivian Sukenik, Nancy Vialpando and Rhiannon Leo-Jameson of the North East-Millerton Library.

May 30, 1974

“High Court Rules in Girls’ Favor”: Webutuck Central School won a suit this week against the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (HSAA) which tried to prevent five girls from Webutuck High School, Tammy Thomas, Marion Brown, Coleen [sic] Ryan, Fiane Krivac and Sandy Murphy, from competing in the Section I Girls Northern Divisional Track Meet.

The suit, was filed …because they contended that the girls should be barred from competition since, during the school year, the girls ran in track events as team members with Webutuck boys.

“Passenger Cars Overcrowded on Harlem Line:” Lettie Carson, President of the Harlem Valley Transportation Association (HVTA) contended … that “Bud cars …were so jammed that people couldn’t get room on them.” … This observation came a week after Governor Malcolm Wilson said that the Harlem Division “is an operating problem of the MTA. The passengers abandoned the railroad before the railroad abandoned the passengers.” Regarding this statement, Mrs. Cardson said, “I’d like to know where the government got its information.”

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