New streetlights save Millerton thousands

The Village of Millerton completed a streetlight replacement project on Thursday, Dec. 19. Mayor Jenn Najdek said the lamps save the village about $2,300 every month in electricity costs.

Photo by Nathan Miller

New streetlights save Millerton thousands

MILLERTON — The Village of Millerton has completed the multi-year conversion of all 138 village street lamps to LEDs.
On Thursday, Dec. 19, the Village of Millerton was fully lit with LED street lamps, instead of the old high pressure sodium vapor lamps. The new LED lamps were implemented to help lower the electric bill for the Village.

According to Mayor Jenn Najdek, the Village will be saving about $27,000 a year with the new fixtures. The Village’s monthly Central Hudson bill is now $600, down from $2,900 per month before the project.

The new lights have an average lifespan of 25 years compared to the average five and a half year lifespan of the former sodium vapor lights. A feature these fixtures have is being dark sky compliant, meaning the lenses project light directly down instead of scattering into the surroundings.

Thanks to the research and work done by volunteers Christine Bates, Laurie Kerr and Jennifer Dowley, the Village found the most effective way to save money and the environment.

Climate Smart has a significant impact on this project, saving the Village an estimated 22,300 kWh, equalling about 40,000 miles driven by a gas-powered car.

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