Hillsdale real estate sales in May

This 3-bedroom home on one acre close to the center of action in Hillsdale sits on the border with neighboring Copake. The interior has been exposed to determine a rehab plan for the 2,000+ square foot home which was sold for $55,000 after being listed for $58,000 in June of 2023.

Christine Bates

Hillsdale real estate sales in May

Easy to reach off the Taconic Parkway or the Massachusetts Turnpike, revived Hillsdale had an active May month with six properties selling. Like many other towns May activity had many more closings than April or March proving that interest in buying homes accelerates in the spring as closings typically occur 45 to 60 days after contracts are signed. At the end of June another 11 properties were listed as pending or under contract so expect even more “solds” in June.

150 Harder Road: 3 bedroom/1 bath sold on May 30 for $425,000

60 River Road: 4 bedroom/4 bath home on 21.8 acres sold on May 23 for $1,300,000

4 Nobletown Road: 2 bedroom/3 bath house sold on May 17 for $380,000

42 Catamount Resort Road: 16 bedroom/17 bath included 16 units plus 4-bedroom guest house sold on May 14 for $1,200,000

10394 Route 22: 4 bedroom/4 bath home sold on May 10 for $700,000

217 Anthony Street: 3 bedroom/2 bath total rehab home sold on May 3 for $55,000

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