Birthday boys, relief road jobs and dairy maids

The following excerpts from The Millerton News were com- piled by Kathleen Spahn, Vivian Sukenik, Nancy Vialpando and Rhiannon Leo-Jameson of the NorthEast-Millerton Library.

91 years ago: April 27, 1933

‘Only Lawyers May Practice in N.Y. State: New Bill Bars From Practice all Who Have Not Passed Bar’: Under a bill signed by Governor Lehman a few days ago, nobody but an attorney admitted to the bar will be allowed to practice in any court or before a magistrate anywhere in the State after Sept. 1 next. That has heretofore been the rule as to cities, but it is now made to apply everywhere.

‘About Millerton’: Donald Silvernail was eight years old on Friday, and a number of his boy friends found it out and went up to his home and made more noise than a pack of wolves. If the noise was any indication of a good time, they sure had it. About 6 o’clock Donald spread their supper out on the lawn, and all fell to in [sic] great style.

Little “Skippy” Dean celebrated his third birthday on Tuesday by entertaining several of his friends at a party. His guests were Anne Valentine, Muriel Hoyt, Robert Fenn, and Arthur Manning.

‘Unemployed to Work at Copake Falls’: Supervisor J. Sterling Wyckoff has arranged to give our unemployed men relief jobs on town roads Single men are given one day a week and married men two days a week.

50 years ago: April 25, 1974

‘Officials Declare Law Day, May 1’: North East Town Supervisor Frank Perotti and Mayor Albert Anderson, of Millerton issued a joint proclamation this week declaring Wednesday, May 1 as Law Day. The slogan this year will be “Young America! Lead the Way. Help preserve good laws, change bad laws, make better laws”

‘No-Fault Auto Insurance Compulsory in New York’: As of February 1,1974, no-fault automobile insurance became compulsory in New York State. The new Automobile insurance system has evolved due to problems stemming from the past difficulties in determining negligence fault in auto accidents.

‘The Royal Court’: [...] Dutchess County Dairy Princess Marth Morrison, 17, of Millerton, [...] and dairy Maids Adrienne Murphy, 17, of Amenia, Linda Shaffer, 17, of Millerton, [...] The girls will all halp to promote the milk industry in the county in the next year. The fifth annual contest was held on Friday, [...] at the farm and Home Center in Millbrook. [...]

25 years ago: April 22, 1999

‘Loop Bus To Poughkeepsie’ [letter to editor] – “Necessity is the mother of invention,” Miss O’Neil recently arrived in Millerton from England and has discovered the “Loop Bus” is the answer to her needs, shopping in Poughkeepsie, strolling along Millbrook’s lanes, hopping to Amenia and running to the train at Dover. Her message to all who would like to get about without the encumbrance of a car is hop on the Loop. – Sally Ann O’Neil, Millerton

‘Village Trustees Give A Thumbs-up to MFD Rescue Vehicle’: MILLERTON – One final flare-up from the town board was extinguished when the village board approved the purchase of a new fire-rescue vehicle for the fire department Monday.

The board of trustees voted 3-1, with Mayor Michael Cawley not voting, to approve a $239,998 bid from the firm of E-One for a new rescue vehicle with built in Jaws of Life capability, a lighting tower, a double cab and a Cascade air system[…]

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