Letters to the Editor 8/1

Thanking community for support of NECC

On behalf of the whole North East Community Center, its staff, volunteers, and board of directors, I would like to personally thank our local community for the incredible support we have received over this past weekend. Our 2024 Chef and Farmer Brunch at Mountain View in Pine Plains was a huge success thanks to those who gathered to celebrate our work and the vital programming we provide.

NECC would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who attended this year’s event as well as those who chose to support us in other ways. We are humbled by our community’s generosity and by the difference this community’s sustaining support makes in the lives of our friends and neighbors. Though donations are still being counted, we are beyond gratified to report that thus far, our community has helped us raise over $500,000 for our essential programs and services! These contributions are a testament to the area’s resolve for community betterment and the trust our supporters have in NECC’s work.

We would especially like to thank the volunteers and local businesses who participated in this critical fundraiser. Without the support of individuals, vendors, sponsors, chefs, farmers, and artisans we would not have been able to celebrate in such style! We encourage our neighbors to remember the businesses that reinvest in their community whenever shopping locally. Visit our website to see a list of sponsors and photos of this incredible event: neccmillerton.org/chef-farmer-brunch.

Thank you all for helping us celebrate the work of our vital programs! As always, we are moved by your generosity and dedication to making our community a better place for all to live.

Christine Sergent

Executive Director of North East Community Center


Project 2025 critique criticized

The recent opinion piece (July 25) by Peter Riva regarding Project 2025 is irresponsible, over the top, and fear mongering in the extreme. Have we not learned anything from recent events about how inflamed rhetoric can result in aggressive and destructive behavior, as in what occurred on July 13? The obsessive use of the words “dictatorship” and “fascists” and “MAGA” are used to threaten readers into thinking that our world is going to end in fire and brimstone. Project 2025 is a conservative platform put forth by the Heritage Foundation. Anyone can and should look at their website and draw conclusions on their own rather than relying on Mr. Riva’s outrageous rhetoric. Shame on The Millerton News for printing it. What useful purpose does it serve to dedicate nearly half a page to this type of screed?

Margaret O’Brien


Latest News

Crescendo’s upcoming tribute to Wanda Landowska

Kenneth Weiss (above) will play a solo recital performance in honor of Wanda Landowska, a harpischord virtuoso, who lived in Lakeville for many years.


On Sept. 14, Crescendo, the award-winning music program based in Lakeville, will present a harpsichord solo recital by Kenneth Weiss in honor of world-renowned harpsichordist Wanda Landowska. Landowska lived in Lakeville from 1941 to 1959. Weiss is a professor at the Paris Conservatoire and has taught at Julliard. Born in New York, he now resides in Europe.

Weiss will play selections from “A Treasury of Harpsichord Music.” It includes works by Baroque composers such as Bach, Mozart, and Handel. It was recorded by Landowska at her Lakeville home, at 63 Millerton Road, which overlooks Lakeville Lake. Weiss said, “I am honored and excited to play in Lakeville, where Wanda Landowska lived.”

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Silent cinema, live magic

The live audience at Music Mountain takes in a silent film Sept. 7.

Natalia Zukerman

On Saturday, Sept. 7, Gordon Hall at Music Mountain was transformed into a time machine, transporting the audience for a 1920’s spectacular of silent films and live music. Featuring internationally acclaimed silent film musicians Donald Sosin and Joanna Seaton, the evening began with a singalong of songs by Gershwin, Irving Berlin and more. Lyrics for favorites like “Ain’t We Got Fun,” “Yes Sir That’s My Baby,” and “Ain’t Misbehavin’” were projected on the screen and Sosin and Seaton lead the crowd with an easeful joy. The couple then retreated to the side of the stage where they provided the live and improvised score for Buster Keaton’s 1922 short, “Cops,” and his 1924 comedy, “Sherlock Jr.”

Joanna Seaton and Donald Sosin, a husband-and-wife duo, have crafted a singular career, captivating audiences at some of the world’s most prestigious film festivals—New York, TriBeCa, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Telluride, and Yorkshire among them. Their performances have graced venerable institutions like MoMA, Film at Lincoln Center, the AFI Silver Theatre, and Moscow’s celebrated Lumière Gallery. Their melodic journey has taken them to far-flung locales such as the Thailand Silent Film Festival and the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival in South Korea. Notably, Seaton and Sosin have become a fixture at Italy’s renowned silent film festivals in Bologna and Pordenone, where they perform annually.

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Desperately seeking Susan Seidelman

The cover art for Seidelman's memoir "Desperately Seeking Something."

Photo Provided

On Thursday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m., Haystack Book Talks will present a special evening with director Susan Seidelman, author of “Desperately Seeking Something: A Memoir About Movies, Mothers, and Material Girls.” Part of the Haystack Book Festival run by Michael Selleck, the event will take place at the Norfolk Library, featuring a conversation with Mark Erder after a screening of the 1984 classic, “Desperately Seeking Susan.”

Susan Seidelman’s fearless debut film, “Smithereens,” premiered in 1982 and was the first American indie film to ever compete at Cannes. Then came “Desperately Seeking Susan,” a smash hit that not only solidified her place in Hollywood but helped launch Madonna’s career. Her films, blending classic Hollywood storytelling with New York’s downtown energy, feature unconventional women navigating unique lives. Seidelman continued to shape pop culture into the ’90s, directing the pilot for “Sex and the City.” Four decades later, Seidelman’s stories are still as sharp, funny, and insightful as ever.

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Annual Tritle organ concert at Smithfield

Kent Tritle at the organ of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.

Joshua Smitth

An anticipated fall favorite event at The Smithfield Church is the now-annual virtuoso organ performance by Kent Tritle, organist for the New York Philharmonic, this year to be joined by Arthur Fiacco, Jr. on Cello. The concert will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Oratorio Society of New York where Tritle serves as Music Director.

For the past ten years, Tritle has performed an annual concert on the Smithfield Church’s historic tracker organ, a favorite of his. The program will include a variety of selections, from classical to modern, along with Tritle’s incomparable commentary on each. Selections will include organ solos and duets with cello, interpreting the works of Bach, Vivaldi and Mendelssohn, with two works by modern composers.

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