Stanford Free Library — a community center

Stanford Free Library


Stanford Free Library — a community center

STANFORD — Nearly five years after its doors were first opened in August 2019, The Stanford Free Library continues to be an oasis of culture and activity for the citizen volunteers who helped to bring it to life.

Citing the coming anniversary, Director Christa Cerul still delights in what she terms the “shiny and new” facility which “has something for everyone.”

Following through on the hopes of the creators, the library is very much a community center.

In that spirit, Artisans and fixers of various sorts will provide free help for broken items of all sorts at a Repair Cafe on Saturday, July 6 from 10 a.m. to noon. Previous Cafes which Cerul says becomes a big social event as “people come and visit,” have included “welders, jewelers, seamstresses and people who fix lamps and bikes and chairs.” She says, “If in doubt, bring it. If they can fix it, they will.”

Sharing is key in the library with local talent always welcome. On Saturday, June 8 at 1 p.m., Milan author and historian Jack Kelly, winner of the DAR History medal, will present a discussion of his work, “God Save Benedict Arnold — The True Story of America’s Most Hated Man.”

Although once a hero in the American revolution Arnold is best known for his treasonous actions some 60 miles away at West Point. Reservations are required for the discussion.

Also front and center this month are the paintings of popular repeat exhibitor local artist Lynda Youman (Oak). Cerul says current pieces are ‘neat” as various images from still life paintings to portraits are set in “old fashioned frames.”

That exhibit follows on the heels of the previous exhibit which spotlighted the art of all fifty plus first grade students of the Cold Spring Early Learning Center of the Pine Plains Central School District. Lasting four months, their work overflowed the usual bounds of the display area spilling though out the building.

Delighted with the children’s involvement, Cerul said, “They had a little art opening. and everything. It was so cute. The kids came all dressed up and their families came and we had refreshments. It was so sweet.”

Art and sharing is also the focus on the first, third and fifth Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. when Susan Galaska organizes a longtime watercolor workshop. Working quietly together, artists bring their own supplies and projects with Galaska sometimes providing an “inspiration picture for them to copy.”

The theme continues as music provides a pleasant background while patrons browse or sit and watch on the fourth Saturday of every month from 11 a.m. to noon when local pianist Walt Otto plays a variety of selections.

Library offerings are constantly changing amid staples such as children’s programs, a cook book club, Game Time, Mah Jong, chair and standard Yoga, and free classes in meditation and for English Language learners.

Go to or call 845-868-1341 for more information on the library at 6035 Rt. 82, Stanfordville.

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