Tears and laughter for 17 in Sharon Center’s class of 2021
The promotion ceremony for the Class of 2021 on Wednesday, June 16, was held on the lawn in front of Sharon Center School. Following the ceremony, students and their parents did a celebratory tour in motor vehicles through town.
Photo by Lans Christensen

Tears and laughter for 17 in Sharon Center’s class of 2021

SHARON — Families and eighth graders spread out in a semi circle on the lawn in front of Sharon Center School on a beautiful evening for an (almost) traditional promotions ceremony on June 16 for the 17 students in the Class of 2021.

Although it was outdoors, the usual protocols were in place, with Principal Karen Manning greeting the students and their loved ones for a day of triumph over the supreme weirdness of the past school year.

Several graduates shared their “reflections” about the year. 

Andy Delgado read his poem, “Rising From the Ashes.” 

Savannah Milton spoke sensitively about the mixed feelings of leaving the familiar and embarking on new journeys: “There’s only one person you can be: yourself;”and “Don’t be sad about what’s over, take joy in what’s ahead.” 

The students then came up one at a time and picked up their diplomas, to the cheers of their friends and families. 

Awards were presented, finishing with the highest honor: the Sharon School Cup, which was presented by John Purdy, the winner in 2017. 

At ceremony’s end the grads and their families got into their cars and followed Sharon Fire Department vehicles on a parade up Main Street. Sirens, bells and cheering accompanied the procession. Many of the students stood up through sun roofs and waved to the crowds along the road.

These ceremonies are always a blend of sorrow for departing the familiar and great joy and excitement for what lies ahead; no exception here, as could be seen on the teary but laughing faces of the class of 2021.


Sharon Center School Class of 2021

Tyler James Anderson, Andy Steven Delgado, Leontine Flanagan Galvin, Neela Grace Gilbert-Alfar, Nicole Stead Haxo, Haley Autumn Hosier, Maya Marie Amber Lee, Noelle Elisah Maus, Quinlan James Maus, Daniel Jacob McDonald, Katerin Guadalupe McEnroe, Wayne Christopher McGhee, Savannah Ann Milton, Christopher Tompkins Pedersen, Olivia Marie Peterson, Charlotte Grace Smith, Keiana Nicole Wallace


2021 Awards

Sharon Scholarship Award — HVRHS: John Purdy

American Legion Award:   Nicole Haxo and Charlotte Smith

Ted Christinat Science Award: Olivia Peterson

Jack “Compo” Comporesi Award: Savannah Milton and Daniel McDonald

Lucia M. Gulino Award: Keiana Wallace

Barbara Yohe Math Award: Charlotte Smith

Sharon School Cup Award: Nicole Haxo and Charlotte Smith

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