Of capital, cables and a maple syrup bucket

The following excerpts from The Millerton News were com- piled by Kathleen Spahn, Vivian Sukenik, Nancy Vialpando and Rhiannon Leo-Jameson of the NorthEast-Millerton Library.

91 years ago: March 16, 1933

‘Local Man is Married in Brooklyn’: The marriage of Albert A Berger, of Millerton, to Miss Rose A Lehrman, of 1583 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y. took place last Sunday. [...] Mr. Berger has been in Millerton about four years and is the proprietor of the Army and Navy Store.

‘Millerton Bank Now Reopened’: Permission to resume received at 1 A.M. on Wednesday

The banking situation in Millerton is now normal again. At one o’clock in the morning, yesterday, George Andrews, cashier of the Millerton National Bank, received a telegram from the Federal Reserve Bank, in New York City, giving the local bank permission to open. This action has been confidently expected for, with its surplus and profits exceeding its capital, the Millerton Bank was in an exceptionally strong position and the permission to reopen was merely a matter of form.

50 years ago: March 2, 1974

‘Village Board Appeals for Rail Improvements’: The Village Board of Millerton last week requested the continuation and improvements of rail service to this area […]Following is part of the content of the Board’s appeal: “So often in this age the voice of the small community goes unheard, drowned out by the clamour created by more vociferous interests. The Village of Millerton is faced with termination of all railroad services. The Village of Millerton wants railroad service to continue, in fact, it wants and needs railroad service to increase. But the people of Millerton fear, and rightly so, that they will be ignored…”

‘Rail Cut Perils $2 Million Plant’: Proposed abandonment of its Harlem Valley line by Pen Central now threatens Tri-Wall Container Company’s plan for a $2 Millerton plant expansion in Wassaic. Jerome Wallerstein, President of Tri-Wall, […] described the proposed elimination of freight service […] as “inponderable” […] “That’s why I stay up late at night […]”

‘Cable Break Disrupts Service to 12,000 Phones’: As many as 12,000 telephone customers in Columbia County were unable to make long distance telephone calls last weekend when a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter dropped a weighted channel buey on a telephone cable resting on the floor of the Hudson River. […] The “Cable Queen” was dispatched from New York City to the scene.

25 years ago: March 18, 1999

‘Last Hurrah for Hizzoner’: Monday’s Village Board meeting was the last hurrah for legendary Millerton Mayor Jake Shoifet who recognized six outstanding individuals, including village attorney Michelle Haab, highway/water superintendent Larry Merwin, planning board chair Cathy Fenn, and chief of police Tom Briggs. In village elections, Mike Cawley was elected mayor, while Mariley Najdek and Mark McAvoy won seats on the village board.

‘Three Firefighters Complete Course’: Three members of the Millerton Fire Department recently completed a course designed to develop the supervisory and management capabilities in structural firefighting operations. Mark J. McAvoy II, firefighter-EMT, has successfully completed the “Managing Company Tactical Operations: Decision-Making” course and Chief Michael Segelkn and Michael F Cobirn completed the “Managing Company Tactical Operations: Preparation” course.

‘Show and Tell Offered at NE Library’: The first meeting of the season for the North East Historical Society will be a show and tell program. Last year many interesting items were brought in for discussion: a silver cane, 1836 map, phosphor-coated metal flower light bulbs, tablecloth from a local factory, carved wooden trays and a frame, pewter spoons from Mt. Riga […] and a maple syrup bucket.

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Dina La Fonte

Photo by Dina La Fonte

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