At North Canaan Elementary, 42 students ready for the future

NORTH CANAAN — The 42 students comprising the eighth grade class at North Canaan Elementary School (NCES) gathered with their families to bid farewell to their school on Wednesday, June 16.

They are all clearly ready for what will come next.

Parents and families were seated within family circles a distance away, on the lower soccer field.  

Three students delivered welcoming remarks. Leah Drislane spoke of overcoming the struggles posed by the past school year. Ayden Veilleux spoke of a common class goal of helping classmates to shine.  Ella Karcheski celebrated persistence and exhorted her classmates to embrace their future.

After the awarding of honors and certificates by faculty, students read Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.” 

An ensemble of students stepped up for a vocal rendition of “Counting Stars” by One Republic, self-accompanied on ukulele.


North Canaan Elementary School Class of 2021 

Brandt Edward Bosio, Eli Bosio, Jake Bosio, Daniela Lucia Brennan,  Lucas Matthew Caranci , Catherine Anne Carlson, Kaylin Michelle Clark, Jerry William Conlin, Ian J. Crowell, Dylan Jacob Deane , Cole Jamison Dennis , Madison Marie DeWitt, Justin Geovany Díaz, Melanie DiGirolamo , Amelia Rose Dodge, Leah Morgan Drislane, Lilly Paige Galarneau, Ava Gandarillas, Jacob Green, Riley Hayden, Abigail Hogan, Bradyn Holst-Grubbe, Harper Olivia Howe, Antonis I. Karampasis, Ellanor A. Karcheski, Dustin Kayser, Muireann Grace Kelliher, Kylie Lynn Leonard, Liam Grey MacNeil, Sasha Lynn McCue, Sophie Elise Nason, Keira Ann Ongley, Ledvia Jeannette Orellana-Lemus, Ciara Marie Panza-Cecchinato,  Diana C. Portillo, Caleb Finnegan Hutchins Rand, Jase A. Sherwood, Taylor Leigh Terwilliger, Ayden Jimmay Veilleux, Natalie Michelle Wells, Abigail White, Kori Ann Rose Wiggins


2021 Awards

English Language Arts: Mia Dodge and Harper Howe

Mathematics: Abby Hogan and Daniela Brennan

Science: Kylie Leonard

Social Studies: Ella Karcheski

Spanish: Sophie Nason

Physical Education: Jerry Conlin

Art: Ciara Panza-Cecchinato

Music: Madison DeWitt

Technology: Bradyn Holst-Grubbe

Principal’s Award: Sasha McCue and Dustin Kayser

Leila Wood Scholarship: Jerry Conlin, Jacob Green, Jase Sherwood and Ayden Veilleux

The young women were all smiles as they enthusiastically awaited the start of their promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 16, at North Canaan Elementary School. Photo by Leila Hawken

Getting ready to line up for the North Canaan Elementary School procession to their promotion ceremony, students gathered under a tent to wish each other well and remember the good times. Photo by Leila Hawken

The young women were all smiles as they enthusiastically awaited the start of their promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 16, at North Canaan Elementary School. Photo by Leila Hawken
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