Tilly Strauss had the foresight to order her baby chicks ahead of time. They arrived by mail a week or so ago and are now getting stronger in a little box in her living room.
Photo by Tilly Strauss
This week’s Nature’s Notebook column includes information and observations from several area nature experts.
Ramps are here!
Jody Bronson, Forest Manager for the Great Mountain Forest in Norfolk and Falls Village, suggests that, “Foraging for ramps is a great spring tonic.
“Ramps (Allium tricoccum) grow in rich soils under mature hardwood trees. These wild leeks are a true sign of spring; their low-growing lance-shaped green leaves jump out at the forager at this time of year. The entire plant is edible — but to harvest them responsibly, use only the leaves and stem; leave the bulb undisturbed, to ensure the population will remain intact. Ramp populations have been destroyed by over-foraging to supply fancy restaurants.
“Their onion-y flavor adds to any recipe. My wife makes ramp pesto; I like ramps sautéed in olive oil and served with brook trout or in an omelet.
“When you find a good population of ramps, keep it a secret!”
Bird bonanza
Eileen Fielding is the Sharon Audubon Center Director and the state Team Leader, Eastern Forests. She sent in a report on the return of birds to the area.
“Any news about recently sighted birds will go out of date very quickly this time of year, as new migrants are arriving daily! You may have heard that Sandhill Cranes have been sighted in Litchfield and Norfolk, or that there is (or was) a Common Eider in Salisbury.
“Besides these more sensational sightings, we’ve had swarms of Juncos coming through en route to more northerly areas. They are sparrow-sized, solid gray or brown above with white bellies, and show a flash of white in their tails when fluttering in fields and the edges of woods. Robins and Bluebirds are suddenly more conspicuous too, although many of them have really been here through the winter, hiding and feeding in dense cover.
“Other new arrivals include Tree Swallows skimming along rivers and lakes for newly hatched insects, and Eastern Phoebes, who can be recognized by their up-and-down ‘feee-bee!’ call, a characteristic up-down tail wag, and presence near a barn, deck, porch or other sheltered spot where they will nest.
“In the woods, listen or look for Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, and both Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. The Kinglets are even smaller than chickadees, mostly olive-brown, and flutter along branches and twigs, picking off insects.
“If you hear a woodpecker drumming with an irregular beat, you can be fairly sure it’s a newly returned Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, a very handsome bird that’s well worth trying to see. Its name comes from a habit of making rows of holes in tree bark that ooze sap. The Sapsucker can return to these holes to lick up both the sap and the insects it attracts.
“Since more of us are around our houses and yards in this unusual spring, you may find time to watch birds more often, and even to give them a helping hand. Many if not most woodland bird species in northeastern forests are in decline, for a variety of reasons.
“Fortunately, there are fairly simple measures that we can do to help them survive and reproduce successfully. The Salisbury Association Land Trust’s planned spring exhibit, ‘Birds in Crisis: What Can I Do?’ has been transformed into a virtual exhibit that will be available on line at the Salisbury Association’s website shortly.
A live talk by the same name will be given by the Salisbury Association and the Scoville Library on Saturday, April 25, at 4 p.m. I am the speaker and will provide an overview of why our birds are in trouble, but also point out the many ways we can improve their chances. For details, send an email to scovilleadultprograms@gmail.com.
Cows in mud, chickens inside
Artist Tilly Strauss reported from North East (Millerton) on her egg-laying hens, which are hard to come by this year, and life on the farm.
“Spring is a time for action on the farm. So in spite of COVID threats, we are still often busy and outside. Today we noticed a cow sitting deep in the mud by the creek. It was unusual because the rest of the herd could be spied several fields away.
“When we checked on her up close, we noticed she was not sitting! She was standing and deeply stuck in the mud. It took a tractor and chains to pull her free. While doing that, and getting her hay, we found ourselves surrounded by the rest of the herd. They had come straight in a beeline to her and started urging her with noises and nose nudges to stand up.
“Dad got the Skid Steer and went to get gravel to steady up the banks of the creek where the cows get most of their water. We hadn’t noticed the steep erosion and the sludge that would be making access to the water a dastardly sinking hazard.
“Looking across the marsh, past the geese, the ducks and the swallows I see two swans. One is enthroned on a dark reed-and-twig nest that sits almost 2 feet above the water’s surface. The partner is in the water circling close by. It takes 42 days for cygnets to hatch, so we will be on the lookout for babies come the middle of May.
“Meanwhile, the chickens in the living room are now two weeks old. They make a lot of racket. Half downy and half feathered, they can leap from one side of the cardboard box to the other in 9-inch arcs.
“Of course I don’t use the newspaper for their bedding. I prefer using my ancient bank statements for that. The chicks make art or a mess (depending on your outlook).
“It seems chickens are coded in their genes to scratch at the ground, so they make quick work of getting in the feed bowl, kicking both legs back like a bull about to charge forward, and throwing the grain pellets all over the dang space.”
Brian Rojas, 14, of Dover Plains needs a lifesaving blood stem cell transplant. According to DKMS, an international organization dedicated to helping people fight blood cancers, 70% of patients suffering from blood-related illnesses rely on donors from outside their families.
DOVER PLAINS — Brian Rojas, of Dover Plains, and his family are seeking blood stem cell donors to aid in his fight against myelodysplastic syndromes, a group of disorders caused by deformed or malfunctioning blood cells.
A donor drive to search for eligible stem cell donors will be held Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Grand Ballroom on Westchester Avenue in Port Chester, New York.
The donor drive is a simple swab to find an eligible donor. According to DKMS, an international organization dedicated to fighting blood cancers and helping families find donors, 70% of patients suffering from blood-related illnesses rely on donors from outside their families. Minority populations are underrepresented in the donor pool. Hispanic patients like Rojas have a harder time finding eligible donors.
Anyone in good health — especially members of the hispanic community — between the age of 18 to 55 is encouraged to attend the donor drive March 8. Potential registrants will review medical eligibility, fill out a registration form, swab the insides of their cheeks, and then drop off their completed packet before leaving the drive.
Rojas is a freshman at Dover Plains high school where he is an honors student and active student athlete.
Rojas’s latest struggle with myelodysplastic syndromes is just the latest in a lifetime of dealing with illness. At four years old Rojas was diagnosed with a rare genetic brain disease and received gene therapy, allowing him a second chance at life.
Amenia Town Hall on Route 22.
The Wastewater Committee elected officers and discussed priorities for the coming year at its regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 6.
Unanimously re-elected to serve as chairman was Charlie Miller and John Stewart was re-elected to the position of Secretary.
Noting overlap between the Water District and the Wastewater District, Miller said that the Wastewater Committee should remain aware of what the impending Water District Capital Project is.
Noting that repairs to the Water District have been deferred for 20 years, Miller described work needed on the town wells, the pump house, water tank, and replacement of some water mains, including undersized mains affecting system pressure.
Given the impending water project, expected to cost up to $3.9 million, Miller saw a need to pause the wastewater project for up to a year, while continuing focus on two years of required groundwater testing and negotiating a site for the modern treatment facility. Both aspects are important to any grant application process.
Another goal to be pursued during the coming year is to find a person or mechanism from a board or committee to put together a fund that could support wastewater project costs.
The Millbrook girls varsity basketball squad put up a solid fight against Rondout in the first three quarters of the Wednesday, Feb. 19, game at Millbrook High School. The score was close until the last quarter when Rondout put up 18 points to win 37-23.
MILLBROOK — The Millbrook varsity girls basketball squad hosted Rondout High School Wednesday, Feb. 19, for the final home game of the regular basketball season.
The at-once competitive match ended in a Rondout blowout of 37-23 after the Rondout girls went on an impressive scoring run in the final quarter.
Millbrook held their own against the visiting squad for the first half, putting up 12 points against Roundout’s 14. Abby McEnroe, no. 1, and Makenna Freeswick, no. 5, led scoring for the Millbrook Blazers with 6 points each. McEnroe’s 6 points came from two three-pointers, one in the first quarter and the second in the third quarter.
Millbrook's Abby McEnroe, no. 1, put up six points to be one of the Blazers' top scorers for the night.Photo by Nathan Miller
At the end of the third quarter, the Blazers led Rondout 20-19, setting the stage for an epic battle in the final quarter.
Rondout met the challenge readily, nearly doubling their score in just eight minutes and denying much of Millbrook’s attempts at the net.
CANAAN — Donna Aakjar passed away peacefully on Feb. 20, 2025 at Noble Horizons. Born on Dec. 14, 1941, at Geer Hospital in Canaan to Maybelle Voorhees and Louis Peder Aakjar, Donna’s life was a testament to education, service and a deep love of the arts.
She attended North Canaan Elementary School and the Housatonic Valley Regional high before graduating from Southern Connecticut State College. Donna began her career teaching fifth grade at Sharon CenterSchool. While teaching, she earned a master’s degree in Library Science and became the first librarian in the newly renovated basement library. Later, the library was relocated upstairs and, several yearsthereafter, was completely redesigned under her guidance.
After retirement, Donna continued to nurture her passion for reading by working in the children’s department at Oblong Books. Throughout her career, she touched countless lives, and in her later years, many came forward to express their gratitude and admiration for her contributions. She also served on the board of NCCC and was president of a chapter of the NEA. An avid lover of the arts, Donna’s legacy is further enriched by the joy she shared with others-so much so that for her epitaph she requested the words of a former student: “She read to us with such joy.”
Later in life, Donna became a devoted animal lover, cherishing her poodle Honey Bun and her cats Gracie and Rosie. She is survived by her sisters; Nancy Perry, Sheffield Massachusetts and Maryann Aakjar of Boston; her nieces, Donna Perry of San Antonio, Texas and Linda Snyder of Hiram, Georgia, and her grandniece, Madison Snyder of Powder Spring, Georgia.
A beloved sister and aunt, Donna was cherished by all her knew her. Our heartfelt thanks go to the staff at Geer Lodger-especially those on the Hillside Unit for their compassionate care. Memorial services will be held in the spring.