Little bit of kindness to overcome madness

This nation is a brewing, corrupted cauldron of bitter stew which we are being forced to swallow.

Here is the recipe:

Toss in today’s woke military which is mostly non-combat ready to take on an adversary, let alone multiple ones at once, sub-standard performance are now considered military readiness. Declining retention, recruitment and low morale are the result. Let’s also throw in a dash of political insider trading which was given the okay by Nancy Pelosi and a sprinkle of slovenly Senate floor dress approved by Chuck Schumer, a shaker full of out of control inflation, crime ridden cities, borders overrun by a political illegal alien invasion and deadly drugs easily transported throughout the U.S. Please don’t forget a large splash of overwhelmingly politically corrupt federal institutions, ie., the FBI, intelligence agencies, NSA and a Justice Dept., all of which rely on fictions, biased self-professed journalism, best described as politically opinionated activism. And the main ingredient, a White House totally lacking leadership, functional policy and planning to honorably represent we the American people.

Overshadowing this political mess I recently learned of an act of kindness and generosity from an employee of Beltone Hearing. As many may know prescriptive, digital hearing aids can be very expensive, in the thousands of dollars. Not everyone can afford such an expense and I discovered during my conversation with this Beltone employee that there is a program called the Beltone Foundation.

“Helping people in our local community means everything to me! To know someone’s life can be changed by helping them hear again makes you feel as though you made a difference in this person’s life.”

Through Beltone Foundation a practitioner can reach out to headquarters to help certain people in need. A letter of recommendation and nomination into the program must come from the practitioner: the reason why they believe this person is a candidate, the story behind their case, etc. The wonderful thing about this program is they are not only given a brand-new set of hearing aids but they are also given top of the line, premium hearing aids, which can cost upwards of $10,000.

“To see the look on a loved one’s face when their family member can now hear them clearly and understand their words is priceless. To see tears of joy in the eyes of people you were able to help makes you go home at the end of the day knowing you did something good in the world for someone.”

I also learned speaking to this Beltone employee that they offer significant discounts to Veterans as well. Thank you Beltone for offering up this wonderful heart-felt dish of kindness and compassion. God bless you patriotic readers and your families. Keep up the good fight for truth and justice.

Til next time, Larry.


Town of North East resident Larry Conklin is a Vietnam veteran and a member of both the Millerton American Legion Post 178 and the VFW Post 6851 in North Canaan, Conn.

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It’s a really good question and we’re asked it all the time.

Maybe you already give to your volunteer EMS, your church, or the local theater, and it seems perfectly natural when they ask for donations.

But your local newspapers? What’s that about?

Well, it’s about how tough the news business has become since the Internet “arrived.”

Newspapers have shuttered throughout the country, as most of the ads that kept newspapers going have moved online, and many younger folks never developed the habit of reading a newspaper, in print or online.

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