Letters to the Editor - The Millerton News - 12-7-23

More on Medicare (Misnomer) Advantage

General Medicare Enrollment ends on Dec. 7, 2023. If you have made a mistake in opting for Medicare Advantage during this time, there is another enrollment period (Medicare Advantage Enrollment) between January and March, 2024, when you can also make the change.

If you have noticed, the TV ads for Medicare Advantage during this first enrollment period have become tamer and more informative and less aggressive/offensive. This is because President Biden’s administration has made the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) track down fraudulent advertising. This misleading and false advertising puts many of vulnerable Americans at risk of opting for inferior services called “Medicare Advantage” — which is neither really Medicare or an advantage.

In a great advance over previous administrations, this year CMS pre-screened over 700 ads for MA for the Enrollment Period and rejected a high percentage of them for offering misleading claims of service and for offering confusing or truncated service explanations to the medical buyer. Still unable (politically) to completely sever these branded MA policies from the governmental umbrella, this is, nonetheless, a giant step forward for CMS.

While it is too late for the consumer to ask some questions — like “Is my doctor in the network that I am signing up for?” “Does this plan cover my prescriptions?” “Does my coverage continue when I leave the geographic network, or my state permanently or when I travel?” “Why do I have a copay with this policy?” — it is not too late to decide that you want to get regular Medicare or return to regular Medicare.

If you discover that you have opted into a Medicare Advantage plan that offers those extras (like eyeglasses, dental work, cash back to your Social Security deduction, hearing aids) but fails to offer the things you are relying on, consider un-enrolling and asking CMS for that option. There is another open Enrollment Period between January and March of 2024 for doing that.

Try going to Kaiser Family Foundation (kff.org) for your questions. An ignorant public is a marketplace gold mine.

Nancy McKenzie



Thanks for all you do, Stacey!

Thank you for the story about Millerton’s Adopt-a-Family program. Its strong foundation will help ensure a smooth transition as the NECC moves into leadership on this important community effort.

Those interviewed in the story noted that co-founder Stacey Moore isn’t one for accolades, preferring to get the work done behind the scenes. This is an additional appreciation for Stacey and Moore & More Printing, who provide a range of  services for many of the non-profit organizations throughout our region.  Stacey and her crew have become an integral component of how many groups function, providing the printing needed for communication, fundraising and operations. She  offers the friendly and professional help that many groups need, taking the time to ensure that the project comes out just as the client wants, even when swamped with everyone’s printing projects. Her knowledge of, and commitment to, the community, her understanding of what  organizations need and her ability to put so much together on paper help keep many organizations on their road towards success. Stacey and Moore & More Printing is truly a gift to our area, one that we are fortunate to have.

Holly J. Nelson



Crafts for a Cause thanks

Thanks to the Millerton News for the excellent coverage of the Crafts for a Cause fundraiser and to everyone who came by. All money raised will go to Grow Against Poverty’s education programs in Busia County, Kenya including “Pedal Power for Kenyan Education,” “Green Fields,” and “Prevent Period Poverty.” These programs help hundreds of students get to school, learn, eat well and graduate.

It was the best year ever thanks to your coverage!

John and Jean


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