Reading Dickens — paired with a violin
From left: Singer and violinist Amy Attias stands next to actor Ken Cheeseman. She accompanied him on the violin as he read from “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Cheeseman has had many roles on stage, movies and television, and has also been a professor of acting at Emerson College. Attias is an attorney as well as a professional entertainer. 
Photo by Judith O’Hara Balfe

Reading Dickens — paired with a violin

MILLBROOK — Actor Ken Cheeseman captivated an audience at Lyall Memorial Church on Sunday, Dec. 18, with a reading of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” He was accompanied by Amy Attias on the violin. The reading took place next to a lighted Christmas tree, with a roaring fire on the grate, and was followed with hot beverages and homemade cookies. Is there a better way to prepare for the holidays? According to Rev. Thomas Fiet, we can look forward to a resurrection of the wonderful concerts and events held in the past at Lyall Church. The event was free and open to all, but donations were accepted with gratitude.

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Copake Grange gears up for busy February weekends

COPAKE — The Copake Grange will be busy on weekends in February.

On Friday, Feb. 14, and Saturday, Feb. 15, starting at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 3 p.m., The Two of Us Productions is putting on a production of “CLUE on Stage — The Comedy Murder Mystery.”

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Healing chronic pain at the Roe-Jan library

COPAKE — Roeliff-Jansen Community Library is hosting Hillsdale resident Maria Socolof for a discussion of her memoir “Turning the Key: Unlocking the Mystery of my Chronic Pain,” Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 6 p.m.

The memoir details Socolof’s journey healing her chronic pain caused by a ruptured disc in her neck.

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Honoring the past: bearing witness at Auschwitz

Jan. 27 marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. I traveled to Poland as part of a delegation for the commemoration and spent a few days before the event with my father and sister learning, remembering and gathering information.

My dad’s parents, Miriam and Yehuda, of blessed memory, were deported to Auschwitz -Birkenau from the Lódz Ghetto. They both had families that perished and met each other after the camp was liberated.

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