MILLBROOK — “She’s been painting all her life,” Lisa Rieckermann, director of community life at the Fountains retirement community, said of Shirley Fernekes, who took first prize at the annual Expressions art show on Friday, June 9.
Fernekes has won first place before, and has also had her work selected for the national Watermark Retirement Communities calendar. Residents from Watermark’s 56 communities submit their works for inclusion in the annual calendar. Fernekes, who also won the People’s Choice Award, wasn’t available to celebrate because she was attending her grandson’s wedding.
Kristen Perkins, outreach coordinator of the Millbrook Library, judged the show.
The winners in attendance also received flowers, a bottle of champagne, and a hearty round of applause from the 40 or so people who attended the awards ceremony. Among them were Del Snook, who placed second; Leon Ness, who placed third; and Ray Merritt, who received honorable mention. Everyone enjoyed cupcakes, wine, and champagne or sparkling water.
Many of the resident artists have only taken up painting, sculpting or other artwork or crafts since coming to the Fountains, discovering talents they never knew they had and proving that learning is a lifelong experience.