Meet Peter Doro, Millbrook’s sole mayoral candidate

Peter Doro

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Meet Peter Doro, Millbrook’s sole mayoral candidate

MILLBROOK — Republican Peter Doro is running unchallenged for Millbrook Village Mayor. The following excerpts have been edited from a longer conversation with the candidate for ease of reading.

Q: What is your professional background?

A: I am an attorney and have worked in financial services for my entire career. I also teach a law school course as an adjunct professor. In addition, I serve on the Town of Washington’s Board of Assessment Review as well as the Dutchess County Planning Board.
I have been a member of the Village of Millbrook’s Board of Trustees since 2022.

What would be your top priorities?

My top priorities include making sure the infrastructure projects that are currently in the pipeline are completed on-time and within budget, most notably replacing aged sidewalks, especially in the business district, and the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant. I am very focused on expanding recreational activities, in conjunction with the Town of Washington. Increasing workforce housing is another area that I think that is ripe for action. Finally, the protection of our natural resources and our quaint village is of paramount importance to me.

Why are you the best person for the job?

I’m the only person running for this job, and am proud to be doing do so, but that’s kind of sad if you ask me. I have seen “Save Democracy” signs lately — well, sometimes that requires more than just putting a sign up ­— it means showing up, getting involved. And I have been involved, especially since winning two elections in 2021 and 2022. I am a fourth-generation resident — I grew up in this Village. Learned to read at Elm Drive. Went to the after school program at the Village Hall. Became an Eagle Scout in the Thorne Building. And now my wife Jennifer and I are raising our two boys here. We understand how lucky we are to live in such a dynamic village. Preserving Millbrook as a haven for families and the middle class, while also supporting local businesses and fostering positive change, are some of the same things my grandfather stood for when he was mayor in the ‘70s. I plan to continue that work in the years to come.

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