Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago — June 1923

George Parsons will have all kinds of fireworks for sale at his home beginning next Thursday.


The young ladies of Lime Rock are planning to give a play in the near future.


Miss Mary Stanton is again on duty at the Post Office after a two weeks’ vacation which she enjoyed with friends in Torrington.


50 years ago — June 1973

With the end of the school year, Lulia Berti ended 16 years as cafeteria manager at Salisbury Central School. The final menu on Tuesday included hot dogs and potato chips, perennial favorites of the schoolchildren, because Mrs. Berti always liked to send them away happy on the last day.


Marjorie McCullough, former advertising representative of the Acorn Press, Ridgefield, took over this week as manager of the Lakeville Journal’s advertising department. She replaces Robert Darden, who has resigned after a seven-year stint with The Journal to devote more time to his own business interests.


Falls Village finally has its new landfill site. “As of 11 o’clock this morning, we own the property,” First Selectman Miles Blodgett said Tuesday. “The property” is 70 acres of meadow and swampland sold the town by Stuart MacMillan.


25 years ago — June 1998

David N. Parker, editor-in-chief of The Lakeville Journal Co. newspapers, announced his resignation this week, effective July 31. Mr. Parker said that while he continues to enjoy newspaper work and takes special pride in The Lakeville Journal papers, he has decided to “take time to breathe, then to find work that’s just as rewarding” but more focused and less all-consuming.


Sally Hart remembers when the children played World War II on the playground during recess because that was what was popular on television. She also remembers children mimicking the “Dukes of Hazzard.” After 27 years working in the Cornwall Consolidated School, starting as a teachers’ aide and becoming the full-time librarian a few years later, she has decided to retire and move on to an easier life reading adult books for a change, she said.


Mark Niedhammer has turned in his television camera for a computer. John Vogt, a retired Navy career man, is also spending a lot of time in front of the keyboard. Both men recently joined the ranks of The Lakeville Journal Co.’s three publications. Mr. Niedhammer is serving as classified advertising manager while Mr. Vogt is the advertising coordinator.


These items were taken from The Lakeville Journal archives at Salisbury’s Scoville Memorial Library, keeping the original wording intact as possible.

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Elm Drive Elementary School in Millbrook.

Photo provided

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Photo by Olivia Valentine

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A. Gregg Pulver

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