Four Brothers hosting fundraiser for local youngster

AMENIA/SHARON — Four Brothers Drive-in in Amenia is planning a fun-filled event to celebrate the bravery of Sharon Center School student Wyatt VanKeuren, 8, and to raise funds for ongoing medical treatment.

Scheduled for Thursday, July 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m., the event will be followed by a movie at 8:50 p.m. Activities, including a bounce house, are included in the planning.

The Grand Shack and Four Brothers restaurant will be open for food and beverages. Wyatt’s mother, Rebekah LaLiberte, will be on hand to provide information about her son’s battle and to accept donations.

At the drive-in ticket booth, staff will be collecting additional voluntary donations of any amount from moviegoers.

For much of his life, Wyatt has battled health issues, undergoing open heart surgery at the age of 5. Since March of this year, Wyatt has been undergoing weekly chemotherapy treatments, working toward shrinking a complex brain tumor.

All of Wyatt’s friends, schoolmates, and their families, along with other good citizens, are invited to attend and support the effort.

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