AMENIA — Voters turned out for a meet-and-greet event for the Republican candidates on Sunday, Oct. 29, at Four Brothers Pizza, an opportunity to speak in person with candidates seeking local and county office in the Tuesday, Nov. 7 election. The event was sponsored by the Amenia Republican Committee.
Candidates attending the event were Sue Serino, seeking election as county executive; Victoria Perotti, seeking reelection as town supervisor; Brad Kendall, seeking reelection as Dutchess County Clerk; Paul Winters, seeking election as town councilman; Joe Egitto, seeking reelection as Family Court judge; Matt Weishaupt, seeking election as district attorney; Karen Ostberg, seeking election as state Supreme Court judge; and Anil (A.J.) Beephan, seeking reelection as assemblyman for the 105th District.
Early voting is now underway at various locations. Visit the Dutchess County Elections site for a listing, at On Election Day, polls will open at 6 a.m. and remain open until 9 p.m.