Albany Post Road widening; contest of beards

The following excerpts from The Millerton News were compiled by Kathleen Spahn and Rhiannon Leo-Jameson of the North East-Millerton Library.

January 25, 1934

‘Continuance of Parkway is Advocated; Winslow Cites Taconic Report; Urges Post Road Widening Wait’;

Pointing out that the Taconic State Park Commission had expressed its view two years ago in regard to widening of the Albany Post road in lieu of further construction of the Eastern States Parkway, Paul T. Winslow, executive secretary of the Commission, last week indicated that it would make every effort to have work on the parkway continued this year, stating that the 1932 report to the legislature reveals “just where we stand today on the proposition.” Mr. Winslow said, however, that he did not intend to engage in any controversy with Colonel Frederick Greene, state superintendent of public works, who recently advocated widening the Post Road this year in preference to continuing construction of the Parkway.

Attention was called by Mr. Winslow to a report of the commission in the 1932 edition of the Conservation Department’s report to the State Legislature which included the item: “The Commission is of the opinion that because of the urgent necessity for traffic relief on the existing truck lines, particularly state routes No. 9 and No. 22, that construction of the Eastern States Parkway should be advanced immediately, and recommend that before the very costly widening of the Albany Post Road (No. 9) is undertaken, careful consideration be given to the advantages of continuing construction of the Parkway through Putnam, Dutchess and Columbia Counties over rights of way now owned by the State.”

A study has been made by the Park Commission over a period of several years of the practicability of completing the Parkway as a means of diverting through traffic from the Post Road. All rights of way have already been obtained for continuance of the Parkway, it is emphasized, while under the plan advocated by Colonel Greene, the county would have expense of purchasing additional rights of way if the present highway were to be widened to 44 feet.

This project would entail considerable expense, it has been pointed out, in acquiring a right of way through the Vanderbilt property just north of Hyde Park. Here the present three-strip road utilizes nearly all available space.

January 23, 1975

‘Beard Growing Contest To Begin In Millerton’; It is hereby proclaimed that the Beard-Growing Contest of the Incorporated Village of Millerton year 1975 officially begins on Friday, Jan. 21, at 9 a.m.

The traditional Millerton Days will be combined with the celebration of Millerton’s centennial and carnivals, parades, and concerts will take place on two weekends next summer: July 25,26, 27 and Aug, 15, 16, 17.Ronnie Smith of Ronnie’s Barber Shop on Main Street, Millerton, will begin his reign this Friday as Supreme Judge of Hairy and Bristly Appendages.

Supreme Judge Smith will assume all the rights and honors normally bestowed upon a person of this rank’ and will be authorized to levy taxes and-or fines, and-or other forms of cruel punishment.

Such punishments would include incarcerating offenders and non-supporters of this contest in the stock that will, weather permitting, be erected at the Village Green. All fines collected will be turned over to a charity to be announced.

Elegant trophies and gifts await the contest winners. Judging by a panel of experts will take place during the weekend of Aug. 15, 16, and 17.The following categories of hairy and bristly growth will be judged: most attractive, fullest (trimmed and untrimmed), most original, curliest, longest, best color (natural or ?), most pathetic (first, second and third prizes), best mustache, best mutton-chops and any other category that may grow forth. Entrants must be residents of the Town of North East and must apply clean shaven at Ronnie’s Barber Shop. after 9 a.m. on Friday. Jan. 24.

‘Webutuck Talks Halt: Teachers Boycott Stores’;

Negotiations drew to a dead halt this week as teachers protested the School Board’s latest offer by increasing job action that will affect not only the school activities but community businesses as well.

Both the School Board and the teachers now plan to publicize more fully their views on negotiation issues. No new negotiation session has been slated.

The Webutuck Teachers Association (WTA) stated this week that the teachers in the Webutuck and Millbrook school districts will jointly participate in an economic boycott of all businesses within the two districts.

“Teachers will buy groceries, gasoline, clothing, hardware and all other items outside of the two districts,” said the WTA. “Bank accounts that teachers hold within the districts should be closed. The teachers within the Pine Plains District will not boycott in their own community. but will support the Webutuck and Millbrook boycotts.

This latest job action was in response to the negotiations session last Friday, Jan. I7. The WTA contends that “the Board of Education withdrew agreement to several key items which the teachers and the mediator had considered to be settled.”The WTA stated that “the Board further indicated that no new contract would be offered this year and teachers would have to be satisfied with the old contract. The only exception to this statement was that a seven and one-half percent pay increase was offered for the present year.“This proposal just further widens the gap between the Webutuck Teachers, already the lowest paid in Dutchess County, and all other neighboring districts of comparable size. During the second year of the proposal (75-76 contract), a $1000 across the board offer was made.

“Despite the fact that the Board has made a salary offer it should be made clear that teachers are concerned about other items that the Board is trying to eliminate — items which the teachers feel would be detrimental to the educational system if removed. Until non-cost items can be settled the WTA cannot seriously consider the salary offer.

The teachers charged School Board negotiator Robert Gray with stalling on settlements in the Webutuck, Millbrook and Pine Plains districts districts which he represents. However, the School Board stated this week that “much has been made of the unavailability of the Board’s negotiator, Mr. Gray, and yet there have been 13 formal negotiating sessions thus far.

The Webutuck Board has met frequently to re-assess its position on negotiations. It is still prepared to do so, but it refuses to lead the school district to bankruptcy. An offer well in excess of 16 per cent for a two year period has been made by the Board.“Negotiations in a period of economic uncertainty is not an easy task.” asserted the Board.

“The Webutuck Board has refrained from escalating any conflict with its teachers, but now feels that the public is entitled to an explanation.“The WTA said that it views the present situation as “a disaster for the school system and a tragedy for the students. The WTA is willing to consider the compromise proposed by the fact finder. The Board thus far has refused to even seriously discuss these recommendations.

”Teachers have set guidelines for job action at school. Some rules state that no work is to be taken home and that all corrections will be done in school during preparation periods. Work that cannot be completed during that time is to be done during normal class time.

Teachers are not to participate in any extracurricular activities, including boycotting athletic events. College recommendations will continue to be written.

January 27, 2000

‘County Will Reimburse Town For Special Clerk Race’; NORTH EAST—­The Dutchess County Legislature approved a resolution Monday to reimburse the town for the cost of holding a special election for county clerk Feb. 8.State Supreme Court Judge John LaCava, a Republican, ordered the special election after he ruled the ballot in North East was confusing to voters. The Democratic candidate for clerk, Richard Anderson, appeared on Row H on the Working Families Party. Also on Row H was the local slate of Good Government candidates. Four active members of the Good Government group testified that they actually mistakenly voted for Mr. Anderson on Row H, thinking they were voting for successful county sheriff candidate Adrian “Butch” Anderson.

Bill Paroli Jr., the Republican incumbent, lost in the town of North East to Mr. Anderson, 308-294, on Nov. 2.

‘Highway Appointment Splits NE Town Board’; NORTH EAST — Town Supervisor David Sherman made his proposal for subcommittee assignments at last week’s Town Board meeting, but his recommendations revealed the first public rift among board members this year.

For the fire committee, Mr. Sherman proposed the appointments of Councilmen John Merwin and David McGhee. He proposed Deputy Supervisor Catherine Fenn and Mr. Merwin for the recreation committee. Mr. Sherman also proposed to continue his own appointment to the highway committee, along with Councilman Carl Stahovec.

Mr. Merwin objected to Mr. Sherman’s proposal.“I feel Dave McGhee should be on the highway committee,” he said.But Ms. Fenn spoke in favor of maintaining the status quo. Mr. Sherman and Mr. Stahovec have served on the highway committee in previous years.“I feel we are doing a good job with highway,” Ms. Fenn said.

In the end, Mr. Sherman’s proposal passed 3-2, with Mr. Merwin and Mr. McGhee voting no.At a previous Town Board meeting, both Mr. Sherman and Ms. Fenn questioned whether Mr. McGhee’s appointment to the highway committee would be a conflict of interest. His brother, Bob, works for the highway department.

“For the Town Board and the public,” said Mr. McGhee, “I spoke to the Association of Towns and state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.”Mr. McGhee, a Republican, said Mr. Spitzer, a Democrat, told him it would only be a conflict of interest for him to vote on his brother’s salary. The attorney general indicated serving on an advisory committee would not be a conflict in and of itself.“It was not legal,” said Mr. McGhee. “It was political.”

But Mr. Sherman said when he came to the Town Board he did not have his pick of committees, implying it was a matter of seniority. But Mr. Merwin disagreed. “I don’t view the Town Board as a fraternity or sorority where you have to wait in line,” he said.The committee controversy could be a sign that more disagreements are on the horizon. “It will be the first of many,” Mr. McGhee concluded.

‘Author Will Give Book Talk at Oblong’; MILLERTON — There is cold and then there is the ultimate cold. Area resident Tom Shachtman delves into one of the hottest scientific races of all time, the 400-year search for the coldest cold-absolute zero.

Mr. Shachtman is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and author of 25 books. He will discuss his latest book, “Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold,” Friday, Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m., at Oblong Books and Music.

The book is a fascinating examination of how and why scientists have, for centuries, sought to understand, create and preserve cold. Along the way, their discoveries have fundamentally changed society: refrigeration and air conditioning have made large cities viable; coolants have allowed rockets, satellites and space probes into outer space.

‘Frasier on Dean’s List’; MILLERTON — Andrea J. Frasier of this town has been named to the Coastal Carolina University dean’s list for the fall 1999 semester. Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C, is a public, comprehensive liberal arts institution offering baccalaureate degree programs in 36 major fields of study and six programs leading to the master’s degree in education.

‘Tax Relief Deadline Approaches, But Some Don’t Take Advantage’; NORTH EAST — There could be several local property owners who are not taking advantage of a new school tax relief program.

At last week’s Town Board meeting, Jon Barrett, chairman of the town’s Board of Assessors, said his office was busy handling tax exemptions. Town Councilman John Merwin asked if all property owners who are eligible for the School Tax Relief Act (STAR) exemption have applied. Apparently they have not.

According to Mr. Barrett, the town has about 1,800 parcels, and about half of those are residential. The town has between 300 and 400 properties with the basic STAR exemption. Any property owner who also lives on the property as his or her principal residence is eligible to apply for the school tax break. The applications must be filed by March 1. Residents 65 years old or older are eligible for an enhanced STAR program, if household income is less than $60,000. To be eligible for enhanced STAR, senior citizen property owners must reapply every year. Property owners file just once for the basic STAR exemption.

The town received its tentative equalization rate, which shows the town’s assessments on real property are 56 percent of full market value.Deputy Supervisor Catherine Fenn asked if the assessors were certified. Mr. Barrett said the newly elected assessor, Dorothy Silvernale, is new and is looking for appropriate training. Mr. Barrett said assessors can be removed from office by the state if they are not certified within three years of their election. The other elected assessor on the three-member board is Stephen Perotti, and according to Mr. Barrett, Mr. Perotti has been in office for five years.

Mr. Barrett also said the town would not be eligible for state aid for a reassessment unless all three assessors are certified. Zoning Enforcement Bolstered Rob Davis, the town’s zoning enforcement officer, said the building and zoning department has been extraordinarily busy, and he requested additional secretarial help.

“There are a lot of fires to put out,” he said. “We are playing catch up.” Michele Lull was named to serve as a part-time secretary to the building and zoning department. Places of public assembly are required to have fire inspections annually. Mr. Davis said he has requested copies of previous fire inspections, but has so far been unsuccessful. He needs the documentation to know what buildings need to be reinspected. Mr. Davis also requested that the town repeal its zoning code dealing with non-combustible construction. He said the state building code already addresses the issue, and the local law has never been enforced.Town Attorney Gets RaiseWarren Replansky, the attorney for the town, requested a $10 per hour pay increase, which was approved. His new salary will be $100 per hour for litigation and $90 per hour for regular legal work.Councilman John Merwin asked about having Mr. Replansky attend meetings on a regular basis. Mr. Sherman indicated Mr. Replansky will attend the first meeting of the Town Board each month. Town Clerk CommendedMs. Fenn commended the town clerk’s office for doing a good job on the Town Board minutes. At previous meetings she had questioned the content and typographical errors found in the minutes.

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