The Journal seeks young reporters for summer internship

The Lakeville Journal and Millerton News are seeking young journalists for an educational internship program.

The six week program provides training in the everyday operations of a community weekly. Interns will learn the news-gatheringprocess from pitch to print through regular workshops with industry professionals on topics such as photography, libel and copy-editing.

Interns will also work closely with the papers’ staff. Editors will collaborate with interns to develop stories and provide feedback throughout the program. The papers’ reporters will take interns into the field for shadowing opportunities, teaching interviewing and photography in action.

By the end of the program, interns should be capable of reporting and writing a hard news story or feature fit for print, and should have an article clip and a photograph to start a reporting portfolio. Interns should finish the six-week program with an understanding of current community journalism best practices, interviewing techniques and news-writing skills.

Interested students can find the application online at or on our social media accounts.

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Classifieds 3/27/25

Help Wanted

Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is seeking staff for the 2025 season. Want to work in a beautiful setting with a great team? Full and Part-Time Employment available. Positions Available; Bartenders, Dishwashers, Line Cooks, Waitstaff. Bartender position starts end of March; Dishwasher, Line Cook and Waitstaff positions available the end of April. Please email: or call 413-528-0350.

Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is a private club. Want to join our team? Full Time position available. Position Available; Head Waitstaff Position available the end of April. Please email: or call 413-528-0350.

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Legal Notices 3/27/25

Legal Notice

Amenia Drugs NY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 02/12/2025. Office: Dutchess County. Hema Patel, designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Hema Patel at 5094 Route 22 #48, Amenia, NY, US, 12501. Purpose: Retail Pharmacy.

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Serino highlights Dutchess gains as officials press for EMS, funding solutions

In her March 11 address to county residents, the focus was on the fiscal health and wellbeing of Dutchess, but some officials felt county executive Sue Serino missed the mark by avoiding such topics as funding cuts and other concerns.

Photo Provided

HOPEWELL JUNCTION — On Tuesday, March 11, Republican county executive Sue Serino took to the stage at John Jay High School to deliver commentary on Dutchess in her State of the County address.

The evening began with a welcome by Wappingers Central School District superintendent Dwight Bonk and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance led by Dutchess County sheriff Kirk Imperati. Ava Dvorak, a senior at John Jay, offered her rendition of the national anthem followed by an invocation from Reverend Dr. Edward L. Hunt of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. The Evergreen Chapter of Sweet Adeline’s International performed “God Bless the USA (Proud to be an American)” with the Roy C. Ketcham High School Step Team closing out the pre-speech segment of the evening with their “Formation” demonstration.

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Northlight art show opens at Historical Society Gallery
One of a dozen artists participating in the Northlight Art Center’s 14th annual student exhibit is Cathleen Halloran, above, who paused for a photo by one of her several works on display. The opening reception at the Sharon Historical Society’s Gallery on Saturday, March 15, brought out a robust group of local art fans.
Leila Hawken

Fans of fine art filed into the Sharon Historical Society’s gallery on Saturday, March 15, for the opening reception of student works from the Northlight Art Center in Amenia, New York.

Northlight was founded in Sharon by Pieter Lefferts in 2010 and later moved to Amenia. This is the 14th year of the annual student exhibit.

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