AMENIA — Severely warped planks distorting the handrails along the Trail to Train boardwalk led to a site visit by county and state officials accompanied by Amenia town council members on Sunday, Sept. 15.
During the brief inspection, discussion turned to responsibility for maintenance and any funding that could be available through county or state sources.
“The Town Attorney needs to read over the agreement that is likely to be a town contract,” said Anil Beephan, state assemblyman representing the 105th District. He noted that the majority of towns maintain their own stretches along the rail trail.
About some of the wood planks warping, Dierdre Houston, Dutchess County legislator said, “any wood will dry out,” particularly the wood that is directly exposed to the sun.
Councilwoman Rosanna Hamm observed that she believes that the town owns the trail and would therefore be responsible for the repair.
“You have to address the issues that are in front of you,” Houston agreed.
Doubting that any state or county funding would be available for the repair of the 6-year-old boardwalk, Beephan suggested that Town Attorney Ian Lindars begin by examining the contract. He suggested that the town obtain some estimates on cost of repair or replacement.
Beephan felt that the cost of replacing the warped planks could be as little as $2,000.
The original construction of the Trail to Train, from The Lantern to the station, had cost more than $1M, Beephan noted.
Hamm agreed to follow up on some of the questions raised during the site visit and she intends to report on the issue at the next meeting of the Town Board on Thursday, Sept. 19.