Gun at Amenia dance hall; Millerton teen center request & candidate forum

The following excerpts from The Millerton News were compiled by Kathleen Spahn, Vivian Sukenik, Nancy Vialpando and Rhiannon Leo-Jameson of the North East-Millerton Library.

Oct. 19, 1933

‘Hamzy Fined for Sullivan Law Violation’; David Hamzy…youth charged with carrying a gun without a permit, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor indictment in county court…was fined $50. Hamzy was accused of flourishing a revolver when he became involved in a disturbance in an Amenia dance hall several weeks ago…The defense attorney, George M. Betros, told the court that Hamzy participated in an argument over who should dance with an Amenia girl, and that fifteen Amenia boys became angry when he paid attentions to the girl. Hamzy pulled an unloaded gun, but was “very nice” when Corporal Edwin Drainsey of the Amenia Station, State Police, arrived upon the scene and took him into custody, Betros related.

‘About Millerton’; Harry Miller, Service manager at the Dutchess Auto and Supply Co. is on his vacation.

Ronald J. Silvernale, Yorke Blanchard, Robert Fenn, Howard Scutt, William Williams, Oliver Valentine, and Lester Aroh, the latter of Pine Plains, are enjoying a week’s hunting trip in the Adirondacks.

Oct. 17, 1974

‘Millerton Youth Seek Teen Center’; Fourteen teenagers approached the Village Board at its meeting last Wednesday night, Oct. 9, about setting up a teen center in Millerton.

Debbie Miller, spokesman for the group, said, “It would help the town. We really need one. We’ve talked to a lot of people who are interested like businessmen and parents.”

She said that the area teenagers wanted a place within the village that was easily accessible where they could go at night. She added that they did not want it to be at Webutuck School because many young people who wish to frequent the center cannot drive and would have a hard time getting rides.

Phyllis Flinn, another teenager who is working with Debbie on the project, explained, “ We want something where we can have cokes, a juke box [sic] and someone running it who will roll around with us and not kick us out.”

She continued, “We need a place where we can go in and sit down and leave when we want to. We also want someone watching us because there are always a few that will ruin it for the others.”

Oct. 21, 1999

‘Supervisor Candidate Forums To Air Next Week on WQQQ’; Our readers are reminded to tune in early next week for North East and Amenia supervisor candidate forums jointly sponsored by The Millerton News and WQQQ (Q-103 FM).

On Monday, Oct. 25, incumbent North East Supervisor David Sherman will exchange views with challenger Sanford Kaplan. The following night Amenia Supervisor Arlene Luliano will square off against opponent Phil Sullivan.

Millerton News Senior Reporter Mike Hagerty will moderate the North East forum, while Editor Terry Cowgill will preside over the Amenia exchange. WQQQ Station Manager Ron Lyon will also be present. Both half-hour forums will begin at 7 p.m. and will air live.

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