Dutchess County early voting deadlines approach

POUGHKEEPSIE — Running a “free and fair” election, ensuring that as many people as possible vote, and making sure every vote counts and is counted, are the goals of the Dutchess County Board of Elections according to Commissioner Hannah Black. She says that in order to accomplish it all, New York provides a number of ways to register and vote in the upcoming Nov. 5 election.

In addition to traditional voting at precinct sites, New York residents may opt for early voting at 8 locations, early voting by mail, or two types of absentee voting with ballots either mailed or delivered to a polling location or the Board of Elections at 112 Delafield St., Poughkeepsie.

Details regarding every aspect of the election are available online at elections.dutchessny.gov. Black emphasizes that the staff at the Board are always willing to answer questions either in person or by phone at 845-486-2473.

Although there are currently a number of organizations and sites designed to distribute information or even applications or ballots to voters, Black cautions against relying on any other than official Dutchess County or state sites.

Voter registration

No matter the method of voting, the first step in participation is Registration. If a potential voter is not certain if they are registered, they may check their status through the above site by selecting “Am I Registered to Vote?” Providing name, date of birth and zip code will confirm registration and current polling location as well as providing other options.

If a voter is not listed, Black says registration may be accomplished either by picking up or downloading the proper form, filling it out and returning it according to directions included. Potential voters may also register through the online portal at elections.ny.gov/voter-registration-process. The portal will require a New York State ID, which may be obtained through that site.
Registration must be “received at least 10 days before the next election,” according to the site.

A signature, which is necessary for verification when voting by any means, can be included when the registration form is mailed or delivered or by taking a photo of the signature and submitting it through the portal.

Early voting

Once registered, voters may opt for in person early voting which will run Sunday, Oct. 27 through Sunday, Nov. 3. Black says this year there will be twice as many sites as there were in 2016, in hopes of shorter lines. Dutchess County residents may vote at any of the locations by giving their name, address and signature. Most regular polling places will not be open for Early Voting. Times and locations are listed at elections.dutchessny.gov/early-voting/.

To request a ballot for early voting by mail, go to ballotapplication.elections.ny.gov/home/earlymail. That registration will apply only to the upcoming Nov. 5 election. No reason need be given in order to receive that ballot.

Absentee voting

Voters may also opt for absentee ballots for any of a number of reasons including absence, illness, a disability, or residence in a nursing home, veterans facility, or even prison if the crime is not a felony. Two types of absentee ballots are available: temporary or permanent. Ballots are automatically sent to the permanent registrants as long as that status is not changed.

Black cautions, however, that if a voter is registered for a permanent absentee ballot, they should not request nor use another application or ballot for early vote by mail, some of which are being distributed by various organizations, because use of that ballot may remove the voter from the permanent absentee ballot request roll.


No matter what form of voting is chosen, time is of the essence. If deadlines are not met, ballots will not be counted.

According to the state election website, applications for early mail ballots must be received by the board by Oct. 26, “no later than 10 days before the election.” In person applications are due “no later than the day before the election.”

She says ballots, which are in the process of being prepared, will be mailed out beginning on Sept. 20. If a ballot is not received within a few weeks of submitting an application, the voter should contact the board.

Ballots may be requested and returned at any time which meets deadlines but she suggests, “The sooner the better.” Election day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, is the last day to either deliver a ballot to any poll site or have it postmarked.

Instructions for returning ballots, including a date and signature and the proper use of the envelopes provided is critical. If any error is noted, the Board will attempt to “cure” the problem by contacting the voter by phone, email, text or mail so the ballot may be corrected and the vote may be registered.

She says anyone who has any questions or concerns should call the Board of Elections at 845-486-2473.

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