Classifieds 3/27/25

Help Wanted

Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is seeking staff for the 2025 season. Want to work in a beautiful setting with a great team? Full and Part-Time Employment available. Positions Available; Bartenders, Dishwashers, Line Cooks, Waitstaff. Bartender position starts end of March; Dishwasher, Line Cook and Waitstaff positions available the end of April. Please email: or call 413-528-0350.

Employment Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is a private club. Want to join our team? Full Time position available. Position Available; Head Waitstaff Position available the end of April. Please email: or call 413-528-0350.

Services Offered

Hector Pacay Service: House Remodeling, Landscaping, Lawn mowing, Garden mulch, Painting, Gutters, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Chipping, Tree work, Brush removal, Fence, Patio, Carpenter/decks, Masonry. Spring and Fall Cleanup. Commercial & Residential. Fully insured. 845-636-3212.

Need any home or yard improvements?: We have a solution! Gallagher Home Solutions is taking on new clients for 2025! We take pride in our work and look forward to working with you. Specialize in all Home Improvements & Maintenance, Property Management & Drainage. 475-434-0686.

Antiques, Collectibles

MID CENTURY FURNITURE WANTED:1950’s-1970’s designer modern furniture and lighting. Danish, French, Italian and American design. Eames, Knoll, Herman Miller, Nakashima, Wegner, Noguchi Etc. Buying Vintage Porsche cars any condition. Open Air Modern 718.383.6465

Farm Products

Hay For Sale: Round Bales. First Cutting covered hay, round bales. First cut hay covered with plastic. $25.00 for bale loaded. 860-671-0499.

Help wanted: Small Angus Farm seeks reliable help for cattle and horses. Duties include feeding, fence repair, machine repair. Will train the right person. 860-671-0499.

Real Estate

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Equal Housing Opportunity. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1966 revised March 12, 1989 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color religion, sex, handicap or familial status or national origin or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. All residential property advertised in the State of Connecticut General Statutes 46a-64c which prohibit the making, printing or publishing or causing to be made, printed or published any notice, statement or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, age, lawful source of income, familial status, physical or mental disability or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.

Houses For Rent

MT RIGA Two Bedroom LAKEFRONT: Log cabin. Private beach, canoes and kayaks. $1350/Week. 585-355-5245.

Sharon Rentals: 1b/1b home on a private lake. Avail 4/1/25. Yearly. $2750/Furnished, weekly housekeeping, garbage, water, ground maint. included. utilities addtl. 860-309-4482.

Latest News

Amenia approves sidewalk projectalong Route 44
Amenia Town Hall
Photo by John Coston

AMENIA — Pedestrians will soon be able to walk safely between Broadway and Beekman Park, now that a construction contract has been awarded.

The planning process continued for many months, culminating in an invitation to bid. The Town Board voted unanimously at its regular meeting on Thursday, March 20, to select the lowest bidder, clearing the way for work to begin.

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Science confirms: It was a cold winter

Spring has officially arrived with freezing night time temperatures forecast through the first week of April.

Photo by Krista A. Briggs

Victoria Kelly, Cary Institute Environmental Monitoring Program Manager and Senior Ecologist, prepared this report.

MILLBROOK — Since 1988 the weather station at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in the Town of Washington has been keeping track of our local weather — precipitation, temperature, wind, air quality, etc.

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North East Fire District focuses on budget, spending

The North East Fire house on the south side of Century Boulevard.

Photo by Krista A. Briggs

MILLERTON — The commissioners of the North East Fire District recently held their monthly meeting at the firehouse to discuss their current needs and general business.

Discussion centered around the current work on the 2025 budget and proposed expenditures, which ranged from upgrading their heating/cooling system to the possibility of replacing car no. 3.

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North East okays Village use of old highway garage

Town supervisor Chris Kennan hands memorandum of understanding documents to Millerton Mayor Jenn Najdek for her signature at the town board’s special meeting on March 21. Town councilperson Chris Mayville, left, and deputy supervisor Lana Morrison, right, in foreground.

Photo by Krista A. Briggs

MILLERTON – The Village’s need for space in the wake of the fire that gutted the Water and Highway building last month was addressed at a special meeting of the town board on Friday, March 21.

By a unanimous vote, the board approved a resolution to grant the Village usage of the Town’s old highway garage on South Center Street.

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