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Last weekend a group of us attended the New York Press Association 2024 conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, where editors, publishers, reporters, and advertising sales people gathered to take the collective pulse of the news industry and learn from each other. LJMN Media, Inc., the new nonprofit umbrella for The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News, was right at home with the hundreds of other organizations that wanted to scope out what lies ahead for our industry.

We’ve all heard the stories about the troubles facing the industry. What we don’t hear enough is how much communities rely on a credible local news report to keep up with life in their own backyard. Studies tells us that readers are more likely to trust local news than national news and that has been the case for a while.

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91 years ago: May 4, 1933

‘Law Puts End to Marathon Dance Craze’: This State is to have no more marathon dances, with fatigued couples dragging themselves over a ballroom floor until all but one drop from exhaustion - that is, if heed is given to the bill of Assemblyman Gimbrone, of Buffalo. Which the Governor has signed. It makes it a misdemeanor to conduct or participate in such an exhibition for more than eight consecutive hours.

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